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Tangiers Apple

Setup: Mya QT

Bowl: Tangiers Phunnel Bowl

Coals: 33mm Three Kings

Smell: Kinda like a sweet apple candy

Cut: Normal Tangiers cut

Smoke Thickenss: Very nice clouds, never harsh

Flavour: Unique, pretty strong, taste alot like it smells, sweet, candy-like

Buzz: 8/10. It took awhile for it to hit me, but when it did, it hit hard.

Duration: 2.5 hours

Overall: 8/10. This is my second bowl so far, and I like it more and more with each hit. Definitely a nice change from what I usually smoke. I'm not a big fan of apple flavors, but this is a big exception.
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  • 2 years later...
Tangiers Apple

Hookah: Mya Bambino
Bowl: Tangiers Mini Phunnel
Screen/Foil: Reynolds HD
Hose: Nammor
Coals: Coconaras
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Short Cut, Dark, Moist. Standard Tangiers Consistency
Nicotine: 0.3%
Base: Molasses
Smell: Little Anise Smell
Taste: Tastes like light apple and anise
Smoke: Great Clouds
Buzz: Huge
Duration: 2 Hours

Purchased From:

Overall: 7/10 It's a good apple for those that can't take the full brunt of double apple. It's not full anise and I can taste a bit of apple in it. I like it but I probably won't buy it much.
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  • 3 years later...

Tangiers Yellow Apple #2

Hookah: KM Single Pear with Painters KM Vase
Bowl: Tangiers Mini Phunnel
Screen/Foil: Reynolds

Hose: New Starbuzz hose
Coals: Easy Lite Japanese coals
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Short Cut, Dark, Moist. Standard Tangiers Consistency
Nicotine: 0.3%
Base: Molasses
Smell: Little Anise Smell with like a golden apple mixed in
Taste: Tastes like DOUBLE APPLE, which is what i've been looking for :)
Smoke: Great Clouds
Buzz: none
Duration: 2 Hours

Purchased From: Dream Cafe in Anaheim, Ca

Overall: 10/10 because I have been in search of this flavor for a while, and i found it locally :) super happy and it wasn't "Yellow apple" that i was in search of it was the Double Apple type.  I just never did any research or look for it online :) but if you like double apple this is it for tangiers

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