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My Hookah Travel Kit

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Alright, Everyone has there own little version of this, so I thought I'd post mine.I really don't like taking my taller hookah around, I like leaving it at the house. So I have this little QT, and a few other things that I'll go into detail about.The Mat[img]http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/745/hookah006ut2.jpg[/img]Alright, Now I freakin love this thing. See, one day when we were hookah'in, my friend knocked over the hookah, causing the coal to fall to the ground and burn a hole in the carpet. So to fix this problem I went to lowe's and bought a "Hookah Mat".This mat is no ordinary mat, It's rubber, and has a whool steel made into it. It also helps break the fall of the hookah. The same friend about 2 weeks later knocked it over, and the bowl didn't break, and the coal was just fine. in fact, it did little to this mat, as you can see!The Block[img]http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/5417/hookah005za5.jpg[/img]I use this to put all my coals on, atleast the ones I plan on smoking. Also, we've had times were noobie's packed the bowl wrong and we've had to replace the shisha. This is a bit of 2x4 covered in foil. It works wonders, and it doesn't heat up too hot. We also put all our used coals on this, and then when we are done, we just wrap the foil around the coals and dispose of it.So all in all....[img]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/4013/hookah001sm6.jpg[/img]This is basicly what my sessions look like (only Im right there smokin!). Only those holes in the foil were done by my brother.All of this fits into my little carrying case that I bought at a shop in colorado. It's very handy and I really enjoy it. It makes for easy clean up if there is a mess( and there always is!). Which makes the whole night much more enjoyable.
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I learned last night that I need some kind of rug/mat for under my hookah. I was rotating the coals and one of the coals got a way from me and fell threw the deck to the porch below. It split into 4 pieces and I don't what is was burning in a couple of spots but I ran down there with water to put it out.So I like your mat was an ideal for something to make hookah smoking safer.
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both my hookahs are in there respective cases, my SS Polaris III hangs on my back, and i hold my QT in its case.Beyond that i have a tool box with my 3 favorite shishas in glass jars, and a few 50g sample boxes. Got a few rolls of coals, a lighter, tongs, screens, oh my.a pic of both the hookahs and supplies all ready to go:[img]http://www.stoneddevilinc.com/random_files/hookah/my_hookah/hookahs_packaged.jpg[/img]
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My kit contains a gladware container to dispose of the used shisha and two rags for wiping my hands after packing the bowl. The mat I use is actually a bit of shelf liner. It keeps the hookah from sliding anywhere.
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