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Gauging Interest in selling...

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When I forst got my hookah I loved it. The flavors were so good. I bought every Al Waha flavor I could get my hands on. Then I think because I was smoking alot it all started tasting the same and it lost alot of it's appeal. So I stoped smoking for a while. Then I smoked on an empty stomach and got real sick. So I stoped again and always eay before or during... Tonight I packed a nice bowl of Apple. Now maybe it was just the brand or flavor or something but it just wasn't that good. I am very let down and I dont think I will get that first hookah feelings back so I am thinking about selling my two hookas and all my tobacco. Maybe I just need to get with someone that is local and smoke with them to see if the way they smoke or there hooka is better. I dont know. I am just discuraged. If anyone is looking to get a first hookah then PM me. I have two. One is a small nice personal chinese made hookah. It has never given my problems and hits very nice. It's red. The other is a syrian hookah I got at Tangiers place. It's a larger hookah with a cool Tangiers bowl. The vase is blue with custom etched stars on it. Also has worked great for me. As for tobacco, I have alot. 6 different Tangiers flavors and a ton of other 50g packages and one Fumari package. I will not sell everything seperate. IF I decide to do this I want to sell everything in one big happy fun package. I will even toss in coals also. So PM me if interested and I will think more about this decision.
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Try letting it acclimate...the weathers changed alot, probably not smoking too well if it was sealed up with that old air. Come on down and we'll see if we can get that old feeling back again. Sometimes its three or four months between those great old-time feelings. What you got to lose?
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