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Nakhla JasmineAppearance: Typical Nakhla, fairly dry, medium cut.Smell: Strong Jasmine smell. Not too much different from smelling straight jasmine.Taste: Tastes almost like it smells. Nice flavor if you're into that whole jasmine thing. The ladies love it. 9/10Smoke: Fairly thick smoke, just what you'd expect with Nakhla. 8/10Buzz: Sometimes got a little heavy but overall it was pretty nice. No cloud floating or anything. 8/10Overall: Very nice if your looking for a nice flower essence. I'd definately reccommend it. Infact I'm gonna smoke a bowl right now. 8/10
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  • 3 weeks later...
Nakhla Jasmine (El Basha)

Setup: qt, foil, egyptian bowl, mya hose, 3kings, water

appearance: typical nakhla you know what it looks like. fairly moist but not pools of juice.

smell: delicious like sweet jasmine candy. thought ive never had any.

flavor: much like the smell. delicious and mellow, sweet and floral. very tasty one of my favorite nonfruit flavors. plenty of flavor in this one as well. its a subtle flavor but alot of it. if that makes any sense.

Smoke: typical nakhla clouds very nice.

Buzz: nice nakhla buzz, nothing super heavy but i have no desire to go jogging any time soon.

duration: 45 minutes so far and i havent moved the coal. usually lasts around an hour and half if i smoke it for that long. you kinda get sick of its after an hour.

Overall: a solid shisha, good flavor, good smoke, good longevity. one of my favs really. this is one of the better jasmines ive tried.

Rating: 8.5/10 kinda a weird aftertaste and tends to dry my mouth out more than other smokes. maybe just the flavor makes it seem that way. very good though. if you like florals def pick some up.
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  • 4 months later...
Nakhla Jessamine

Appearance: semi wet, not too many stems

Coals: 1 3K QL coal (the usual for me)

Smell: one of the best smelling flavors i've ever went through.

Taste: nice taste. Not strong enough however and can't really acknowledge it

Buzz: none whatsovever

Overall: although the smell was wonderful, the smoke was weak. 5/10

Don't recommend it. Edited by Gaara
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  • 8 months later...

Dry when I opened the box. Added 5ml of honey and 5 of glycerine.

Smokes good, tastes pleasant to me. My friend wont smoke it cause he says it tastes like fabric softener.

In my opinion its a nice break from all the fruity stuff I've been smoking.

Is a bit "laundryish" though. hehe
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  • 3 months later...
Nahkla El Basha Jasmine

29" Egyptian Hookah
40mm 3 Kings QL
Cool H20
Razan Hose

Cut: Typical Nahkla cut. More moist then the majority of their produts I have tried. 7/10

Smell: Smells like Jasmine and eerily reminds me of Dove Bar soap. If it wasn't soapy smelling it would score higher. 4/10

Flavor: Slightly sweet with a very floral taste. Again reminds of the bar soap and fabric softener. Not great but not too bad either. 5/10

Smoke Density: Nahkla is usual pretty darn thick for me. This was a little thinner. 6/10

Duration: Very strong flavor througout but began to get harsh around 45 - 1hr. 8/10

Final Thoughts: I don't care for this one. It's not too bad but when you think about when your parents used to make you wash your mouth out with soap when you curse. Once you turned 18 I'd picture them making you smoke this when you cursed. 4/10
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  • 1 year later...
Nakhla Jasmine (El Basha Line)

Hookah: Mya Gelato Grande
Bowl: Tangiers Small Phunnel
Screen/Foil: Reynold HD
Coals: Coconaras
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Usual short cut with natural looking tobacco, Semi Moist, Red Dye.
Nicotine: 0.5%
Base: Molasses
Smell: Like Jasmine
Taste: Like Jasmine
Smoke: Great Clouds
Buzz: Good
Duration: 1.5 Hours

Purchased From:

6/10 I know this isn't a big rating for this tobacco, But it's really hard to smoke this flavor. It's not my cup of tea. The smell and taste reminds me of choking on the overwhelming jasmine potpourri scent in my grandmother's house. Which really is a turn off for me. For those that like Jasmine and floral flavors, this is right up your alley.
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  • 1 month later...
Nakhla El Basha Jasmine

Hookah: Mash'al
Bowl: my medium phunnel (holds 37g)
Screen/Foil: HD Reynolds
Hose: Homemade vinyl tube
Coals: Cocos
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: red in color and very sticky/gooey
Nicotine: .5%
Base: floral berries
Smell: smells like pure floral and berries, has a perfumey smell to it which tones down if you acclimate it for a while.
Taste: like floral and berries
Smoke: awesome
Buzz: typical nakhla buzz
Duration: 1.5 hours or so

Purchased From: Local distributor

Overall: straight i can't smoke this stuff, but as a mixer it deserves an 8.5/10, you can't use too much b/c it will overpower the flavor. But if you like floral and want a good floral mixer, this might be right up your alley. I personally like to mix 4-5g of it in with mizo cherry.
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