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Tell me about the hookah bar you go to

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I've only been to a couple of hookah bars in my area (North Carolina) and would like to get a better idea of what's out there. If people could take the time to post about the hookah bars they have been to, that'd be great. I'd love to hear as much detail as you're willing to type out.The name, what it looks like, do they have chairs or couches, is it a hookah lounge or just a restaurant with a couple hookahs?What is their pricing, do they have a cover charge or one drink minimum?Do you come up to the counter to order, is there a menu, do the employees come to you?What are the hookahs like - one hose, or more?What kind of foods and drinks do they offer, and whats the pricing on those?How does the whole adding more coals thing work?What brands of shisha do they offer? Give me a ballpark figure of how many different flavors they offer.And anything else you can think of, i'd love to hear about all the different ideas that went into these places.Pictures would be great if you've already got them saved on your hard drive or something.. I don't expect people to go out and take pictures just for me.Thanks for those of you who take the time to type up a detailed and informative response!
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I go to NO.VI Cafe in Novi, MI its basically just a hookah lounge. It costs $10 for a hookah with a large head, comes with two coals, and its $5 for a new head after that (also comes with a coal). You just walk up to the counter and order what you want, and then it is brought out to you. The hookahs they use are Stargates and MYA acrylics for juice mixes. If you want a coal its $1/coal or $5 for 10. They have Layalina, Al Fakher, Nahkla, Sultan, and some custom tobacco. As for the amount of flavors there is around 100+ because of all the different combinations we have put together.[b]Pictures:[/b][img]http://novicafe.com/pic1.jpg[/img][img]http://novicafe.com/pic2.jpg[/img][img]http://novicafe.com/pic3.jpg[/img][img]http://novicafe.com/pic6.jpg[/img]
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I'm making this breif as possible:i went to one in San Jose, CA. aladin nights or something like that. They have couches set up like a square with one end open and the hookah table in the middle. No food, but they sell smoothies and shit for like 5 bucks. Order at a counter and then you can sit. 1 hose hookahs, tall ones. They smoke only fumari for like 15 bucks for a hookah per 2 people. They come by with fresh coals pretty regularly.The owner was a dickhead though. He kept accusing us of putting weed on the hookah saying he saw us on camera. None of us did that nor WOULD. Just because we are in our 20s and had a large group (8).
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