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Wassup ok Im new to the whole hooka experience and I have a few questins.1) I want to get me a hooka. What should I look for when I decide to buy one?2)Are there any brands that are better than others and what are they?3)I know the basics of what I am looking for like I would like to have one with 2 hoses something thats also decrotive and yet lasting useable for a while thats not going to break to easily on me.If you can help me out with any of this please let me know. Keep in mind that Money is a BIG factor here as I do not have alot but all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you all for helping me out!
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Always remember that you get what you pay for. I have a Stargate and a Mya QT. Both provide excellent smokes and both are well made hookahs (although, I've seen others have problems with their Stargates, such as rusting... which is a big problem!) . My friends love the QT so much, that I've actually both two others to give away. Sadly, one of them is a going away gift but the second one is a hosewarming gift. If you are looking to get a lot of bang for your buck, I would do what c4r80n mentinoed.. go with the Mya QT and get a two hose adapter. If you find out later that you want something else and if you want to spent a little more, then go with that.
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for a fuctional first hookah, no i wouldnt ever want to go with one that exspensive. if i ever do even get one it would be mainly for display, but i would be too afraid to pull one out at praties.And yea i forgot the link, added it in the above post.
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[quote name='Lakemonster']Lake's official suggestion requirements for first hookah purchase:  1. Traditional Hookah (Egyptian, Syrian)2. Single Hose with Purge Valve3. Stands between 24-30 inches[u]4. Is not known as a "QT"[/u][/quote] Uh oh...thats blasphemy.
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i think the QT sucks.... sucks real bad... in terms of design... it looks retarded, but i like the cage thing, its actualy pretty cool....honestly i got my stargate rotator the other day... and that thing is SOLID.... i love it, the hose's are gorgeous.... it smokes incredibly and the rotating function works flawlessly.... best bang for your buck in my opinion....
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[quote name='Lakemonster']I know...... I'll get run out of town on that one. I think MYA makes good stuff.... but... QT for first hookah? naw... IMHO[/quote] Copernicus didn't get run out of town. He got what people get for speaking ill of Mya!
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I'd recommend a QT because it's built like a tank and is really easy to clean for the most part. It has a few flaws too though. Purge valve never really clears out all the smoke and is at a crazy angle for cleaning. Most of all it's easy to transport. Inexpensive too especially for the quality.
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yea i would normally recomend a qt as well, but getting to hang out with ya, i think you probablly would be happier with the one i linked to from hookah-hookah first.Granted i know GuyWithAGun is gonna get one now after getting to try mine, but i suggest for what you want, go with an egyptian :D
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