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[quote name='clown']Some info about the Memories???[/quote]There's not really a lot of info to give. It's really just another mixed fruit flavor (orange, pineapple, and cherry, I belive) It wasn't extraordinarily flavorful, but it wasn't dull either. Then again, my tastebuds kinda suck, lol.
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[quote name='Alqoshnia']EDIT: Hey gun guy, how are those Japanese charcoals, have you tried them yet??[/quote] I'm not so sure if I'm sold on these. They burn a lot longer, yeah, but the smoke doesn't seem to get as thick as when I use quicklights, even with constant ashing and moving. And sorry about the double post.
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damn those hoses rock. its like there not even there. And yea there friggin huge. Heres a pic of the setup we had going today. Smoked for a good hour or two :D[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v679/OrionLeingod/smoke_session.jpg[/img]
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agreed on the Mya Wides, i dont even use my other hoses anymore. GET THEM! I got mine from Hookahcompany.com but mya has them on their site too. They even jsut feel so much better in your hand and your mouth, plenty of weight. you could prolly smack a friend over the head and knock em out with it if you wanted the hookah all to yourself for a little bit.  The only issue is the part that plugs into the stem is also huge. So be prepared to find some large gaskets, even with them my hoses like to pop out at random times. :(
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[quote name='EvansLight']lmao hell i hate being single. I want a chic call my own, but the way its going, im gonna be my favorite movie.. (40 year old virign...) yea were not gonna go there :P[/quote] When you stop caring that you are single and stop being incessantly nice to girls, it will happen. Thats why 20-something guys pull the most off. When you turn 30 or so, you just don't care. When you are 14-22, acting the way your mother told you to act around women (nice) is the absolute wrong thing to do. Don't be a complete ass, just stop caring what they think about you. Listen to what they have to say, but don't try to sell yourself or run yourself over. Be more concerned with yourself than her.Be confident. Ladies love confidence. Make eye contact. Speak to them often, listen and talk. Recite the Declaration of Independence, say something, anything forming complete sentences occasionally. Women like to be around men, they like intimacy and nothing says intimacy to most women like talking. Nothing is more of a turn-off to a woman than a man running on hump. Imagine a camel, they got the hump do get them through the desert. You have this initial virginal stage where all you've been doing is running on hump...when you are between women, you are running on hump. Women will flock ten deep when you got a woman and treat you like Larry the Leper when you get single again. You have a short adjustment period, where you still haven't become hungry for woman again, so you have that much time to get your options lined up. Usually a BJ is enough to stay off the hump. When you get old enough, you are going through the desert, you are alot less hungry than you used to be, you won't need any hump. If you can pull off the "I don't want to have sex" gambit, its quite good. Its why gay guys seem to pull alot of female attention. They aren't running on hump AND they talk to women because they aren't intimidated by them because they don't want to hop on the good foot, doing the bad thing. Women love to help out, give them little jobs to do to help you out and reward them..."You live over there, near that one store, could you pick me up that thing...they only sell it there." When she gets it for you, take her out to lunch or dinner. Improvise around this strategem. Buy them something cute you think they will like and give it to them for running the errand. Just remember, marriage is a woman's institution, for the most part. Many guys could have no interest in marriage if women didn't want it. Sex, kissing, errands, talking are all dress-rehersals for marriage, thats what they want, give it to them and the whole rehersal will insue. Make sure you realize, theres three levels for women, one your mother, your sister, your wife, you treat them with absolute devotion. Your girlfriend, treat her very well. Have some things that are outside, that she knows you won't do or talk about or whatever. With girls whom you are friends with, don't offer them as much, be more guarded. Give them benefits for moving up the ladder with you. Never treat some girl better than your girlfriend and never treat your girlfriend better than your mother or your sister (or your wife for that matter )Watch out for the "look-back". Time honored as the best indication a woman likes you, she is walking away, and she turns around to take one last look at you. For some women, it is an absolutly, uncontrollable compulsion to take one last look. Feel free to lean up against a building watching her the whole time, looking for the look-back. You are confident she's going to do it, and you are just waiting for it. Some smooth operators wait for it and then walk back towards them for a kiss. That's an advanced strategy...avoid that for now. Just some tips from a guy. One last thing. Women are other human beings, they have feelings and it hurts them just as much to have their feeling stepped all over. Be nice, treat them with respect. Don't lie to them...tell them you don't want to talk about something or tell the truth...don't lie. Some guys might advocate being less than honest, telling them whatever they want to hear, I think thats disrespectful, following this advice you'll do fine. I'm unattractive as shit and I have never had problems with women.
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Damn, Tangiers...give away all our secrets why don'tcha.
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[quote name='MilqueToast']Damn, Tangiers...give away all our secrets why don'tcha.[/quote] Women have one secret, and thats that they actually want it more than us guys.BLOWN WIDE OPEN! NOWHERE TO HIDE!edit: nevermind. women hate sex.
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[quote name='Lukasa'] [quote name='MilqueToast'] Damn, Tangiers...give away all our secrets why don'tcha.[/quote] Women have one secret, and thats that they actually want it more than us guys.BLOWN WIDE OPEN! NOWHERE TO HIDE!edit: nevermind. women hate sex.[/quote] Yea...that's it..emm...yea. You got us figured out man. Totally figured out.Phew. We got at least one secret left.
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hahaha, how did this happen!?Okay; i have a question.Namely, why would anyone order Afzal shisha?Every store near me has it; and i hate it! Is it supposed to be a good brand?
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