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Caramel Apple


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Caramel Apple

Cut: standard al amir cut, pretty moist.

buzz: none, its washed i think (.05% nicotine)

Smell: smells way stronger than it tastes. But honestly, it smeelllssss so good. I kept it next to me on my desk and took wiffs of it for hours before smoking it. Smell is amazing.

taste: great taste, pretty mild and a little sweet. I would almost describe the taste as smooth like caramel is. Whatever i have no idea how to describe the taste.

smoke: It appeared to be pretty thick; however, i was smoking outside and it was a bit breezy. So, yah...w/e

Overall - 7.5 /10
(the taste could have been a bit stronger. A bit dissapointing for being .05% nicotine. That could have just been me. This is all subjective, and I highly recommend trying this flavor. It might be good mixed with some other apple flavor) Edited by highc1157
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  • 3 months later...
Al Amir Caramel Apple

Set up: 22" Egyptian Hookah, Small Super Chief bowl, Reynolds HD foil 1 layer, 4 Easy lites (Chinese version of Japanese coals), very cold water in base.

Cut: Fine cut, bright red, moist but could have used more juice.

Smell: A little caramel scent no real apple smell to it at all.

Taste: Disappointing. There was not much taste at all. A little caramel tones here and there.

Smoke: Very thick smoke, nice clouds.

Buzz: Not a bit. None at all.

Overall: 3/10 Could have been juicier, should've smelled and tasted way stronger. A big let down compared to other reviews I read about it. It wasn't a heat management problem either. I'm glad I only got bought 50 g of this.
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