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[b]Al Fakher Apple[/b]

[b]Hookah:[/b] Mya QT
[b]Bowl:[/b] Crown micro phunnel
[b]Screen/Foil:[/b] Normal Foil, 2 layers.
[b]Hose:[/b]My DIY hose made out of vinyl tubin and wooden ends.
[b]Coals:[/b] Smoker's Coal.
[b]Base Liquid:[/b] Water at Room temperature.

[b]Appearance: [/b]Short Cut, several stems, moist, swimming in red dye.
[b]Nicotine:[/b] 0.05%
[b]Base:[/b] Molasses & Glycerin
[b]Smell:[/b] Very creamy and sweet. Not a hint of apple in there
[b]Taste: [/b]Just like it smells
[b]Smoke:[/b] Good Clouds
[b]Buzz:[/b] None
[b]Duration:[/b] 1 hour 50 minutes.

[b]Purchased From:[/b] Local store

[b]Overall: [/b]Bought it just for changing up the things a little. This smells and tastes very creamy and you could say kind of an apple-ish sweet? Didn't seem like apple to me. The taste wasn't bad, just a creamy sweet tasting tobacco, but I was looking for something closer to an actual apple which it wasn't. If creamy smoke is your thing, then you may just like it. Me, not so much.

I give it a 5/10. It is a pleasant smoke if you're not looking for an apple, but didn't strike my palette as anything striking.
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