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[quote name='EvansLight']that...video.....was.....disturbing....  the voice was creepy 0_0[/quote] Hey I thought getting Darth Vader for the voiceover was pretty dang darn!!! (dang darn means kinda cool with a hint of freak'n frack'n) Oh and freak'n frack'n means it's nice as long as it's done tastefully and no one gets hurt
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One of the better instructional videos out there for sure. :)
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wow so THATS how you wash your hands! amazing! im gonna try that foil hole technique 2nite. my sessions havent been up 2 par as of late and i think its my hole punching tech.
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i think i gonna try that tech but space out my holes more so i get less holes and overall thicker smoke. i also have found that i get thicker clouds with lesser holes except for tangiers it really doesnt matter lol
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Here are mine and GhostofDavid's first cousins prepping for hookah action. (FYI- Pirates and bandits are first cousins) On a side note I was SO increbly bummed hearing about the death of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter dying. Talk about a guy that would have been so fun to hang with. The world lost a really remarkable guy today. [url="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2966193540879906995&q=raccoon&hl=en"]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2...q=raccoon&hl=en[/url]
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I've tried a lot of different sized holes, and number of holes, and in my experience the hole punching technique shown in the video is the best ive tried. As for the voice, it's mine. The video is supposed to be more funny than informational so I though the voice added a little humor to the whole thing. Does anyone have any more suggestions on a video? I would like to make one that is longer, and even more detailed.
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Thing's I'd add in would be along the lines of ediquitte (sp?) such as, if you're passing it, pass it with the butt of the handle towards the person, not the other way around or, simply place it on the table for the next person to pick up (considered the most respectful way). If it's a large hookah, don't put it on a table, etc, etc, etc. HookahCulture.com is where I got a lot of info when I was first getting into smoking hookah. Good editing skills on the vid by the way . Next time, may I suggest doing away with 'the voice'?
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