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ok the coal is sold but still have a ton of molass

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But I did smoke some this weekend !! so I think I will keep a case or two but still have over 250 cases to get rid of. I sold all the coal !! at this point many have asked me to mix up the cases I still dont want to do that as all the cases are unopened and that would take a long time but if you are looking for some cheap molasses shoot me a Pm
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I can attest personally that the tobacco is good. I had a case shipped in and recieved it on friday ( I would have gotten a post up early but I have been working in my hospital's ER all weekend, good change in pace from the ambulance though, and holiday pay :) ) The product is very moist, and smokes well. I would have purchased all of it but the state of MN taxes the tobacco at 70% of the price THEY set it for (4.50 a tub),so to ship it in legit I would've had to pay 19 grand in tax alone....Even with the manufacturing date, found that out after 2 hours of arguing with various people at the MN revenue service, but it's great guys, and Steve's a great person to deal with, I've pretty much talked to him twice a day for the last week.
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ok the brand is al-waha they come in the case a case has 24 250 gram tubs for any order less then 10 cases it is 48 dollars a case plus shipping I have 21 flavours you name it I have it all the molasses mas made in 2004 from jan to may (hope this helps )
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When did MN go up to 70%? My old chart shows MN being 22%!If Steve sends you the stuff from MI, they can't tax you legally. It violates the consitution of the USA. No law shall be established that restricts or taxes interstate trade. They may try to bluff you into paying, as long as you don't sell it or smoke it personally within the state of MN, they can't touch you. I've argued with officials from at least four states, them saying I needed to pay taxes, me saying I didn't and then they admit I didn't really need to, but they preferred that I did. Ha! They would prefer if I paid taxes on the stuff. Note: I'm NOT a lawyer...just a loud mouthed engineer. Ask a professional attorney, but I'm 98% sure about this.
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