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need help with dry shisha

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sorry to say this man but your shisha is done. yeah you could put some molasses, corn syrup, or honey in it (maple syrup isnt thick enough i dont think) and you will have smokeable shisha that tastes fairly dissapointing. i reccomend just buying fresh. once youve let the juices run out youre pretty much done.
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hmm ive never had any luck and noone else i know of has either. maybe whatever brand you were using is unusually resilient? or maybe it wasnt that dry. who knows. usually the problem is that the juice is where most of the shisha's flavor comes from and so once you lose that the intese flavor is gone, leaving you with bland boring shisha.
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Dry sheesha often smokes just fine...just because it looks dry doesn't mean it won't smoke well. You guys add a little honey and it smokes fine! IF you hadn't added any honey, it would have still smoked fine. I understand the guy is saying it looked dry, and it was always that way. Hey man, don't mess with it, adding stuff is ill-advised, try it dry.
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[quote name='shimshamsam2']iv got some shisha but it isn in mollass or honey like most so its very dry, not my cup-o-tea. is it possible to soak my shisha? or will that screw it up?[/quote] is that your tub of strawberry?and was that the same tub of strawberry from the bday party like 4 months ago?!
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