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nakhla question

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so on the nakhla site, in group a there are a bunch of other traditional style tobaccos in addition to zaglhoul. namely kass, bata, and khan el khallil. now ive been looking online and the german forums talk alot about this stuff but i dont speak german. has anyone tried any of these? how are they different?also has anyone tried havana pipe tobacco flavor because that sounds delish.
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If you liked zaglhoul (you did. we smoked it at ali baba's), you'll like the pipe tobacco from Havana. It really tastes like pipe tobacco smells. Tres delish.
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[quote name='GenuineHookahs']I thought Zaghloul tastes like honey?[/quote] Zaghoul = traditional "unflavored". It probably has some sweetness that derives from the mollasses or honey used to make it, but not a "honey flavor" per-say.
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hmm my sister boyfriend would love zaghloul then, he doesnt like the fruit taste of my shishas, he just wants a normal tobaco, hell the guy wanted to put normal pipe tobaco in my hookah one night, i almost killed him.And yea it does sound like an arabian zombie or something.
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I bought some nakhla zag but didn't get around to trying it before I moved...but did try out the Havana Pipe Tobacco. I sometimes smoke aromatic pipe tobacco, and well...if you're going to smoke hookah, smoke hookah. If you're going to smoke pipe tobacco, go for it. IMHO the Havana Pipe Tobacco flavored shisha was gross. At first it was tolerable and then it just tasted like butt after about 10 mins and only got worse. For me, part of the appeal of smoking a hookah is its mouth-watering flavors (and massive effing buzz)...though I went into it open-minded. Yeah...my 2 cents.-Sean
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[quote name='Tangiers']I always though zaghloul tasted like moldy sweat socks.  Milque Toast knows Sanguine? How absolutely tangled.  VA in the house![/quote] Indeed. :) He's the fella that went with me up to Mya Saray...I've known him for a spell.
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