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Juicy Watermelon


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Amazing Shisha. Smoked it through my #1 KM...it was very good.

Nicely cut, very good on 'juice', tasted great, and hit like a monster.

I experienced no 'lag' on hits or taste. It was up and running instantly almost through my Phunnel

Might be a little too sweet, thats the only thing I have against it.

9/10 for Watermelon flavor.
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Potion Watermellon

Hookah Setup: mya with cloisonne hose
Bowl: small phunnel
Coals: two rows of Exotic
Liquid In base: Water and Ice

Cut: Very fine cut to it, not too many stems, super juicy.

Smell: Smelled more like a candy watermellon rather than real watermellon but still great smell.

Taste: Once again like a candy watermellon but at times the flavor was very strong then other times not so much.

Smoke Thickness: It took a while to get started. LOTS of heat. But once it got started it was a fair amount of smoke.

Duration: It lasted about around a hour or so.

Overall : Its a nice product i'd rate it higher than most. Its not the best i've smoked but still i'll smoke it agian.

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Potion Juicy Watermelon

Set up: Mya QT w/ cold tap water and Mya washable hose
Bowl: Small phunnel (1 larger middle hole and 3 rings about equally spaced outward from the center)
Coals: 3 Japs sent with the sample then 2 1/4 exotica pieces

Cut: About medium, not diced up and not tangiers. Quite wet
Smell: Watermelon starbursts or jolly ranchers, amazing.
Taste: Very much a candy watermelon taste, but it was enjoyable. Also strong taste after 1 1/2hr into the session
Smoke: Pretty thick, not white out though
Buzz: Got nothing
Duration: Because of phunnel I had about 25g's in, so could have gone longer but about 2hrs

Overall: Really enjoyed the smell of this and the taste was right on par of what I was expecting. Didn't go into this thinking it would be anything other than a candy watermelon taste. Girlfriend loved the taste. Although I'm not all about the fruity, very sweet shishas this was nice. Only cons I had with this were with the japanese coals that accompanied the shisha. They didn't smell great lighting, lasted all of about 40min. and lots of ash. Also, not sure if it was just the japs but it took a while to actually get going well. May need a bit of heat to get up and running. *Need to try another bowl starting with exoticas* The foil that came with it felt somewhat different; it may have been a thicker foil than "Safeway brand". Liked this a lot more than Layalina watermelon, but probably need to compare with AF.

8.5/10 Edited by Jeff_T
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Potion Juicy Watermelon

Smell: Very strong smelling. Candy watermelon like all in my experiance.

Taste: The flavor on this was very powerful. Again it is a very sweet flavor.

Smoke: Pretty thick, but not the best

Buzz: Although it's an unwashed, the buzz was very mild.

Overall: I was not a huge fan of this flavor but I have yet to find a watermelon that I really enjoy. I would recomend this to anyone looking for a strong sweet watermelon flavor. I would likely continue to buy this product if it werent so expensive. In my opinion they should drop the coals and foil and lower the price because as it stands this shisha is more expensive gram for gram than Starbuzz.
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Juicy Watermelon

Slushy cut, stems, moist, clean taste, average smoke, no buzz, little bit above in flavor intensity.

-.5 for the slushy cut
-.5 for the long stems in the slushy cut
-.5 for the candy flavor
-.5 for the lack of full smoke

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  • 2 weeks later...
Potion Juicy Watermelon

Setup: 2 Hose Pharoah
Bowl: traditional egyption w/ 1 golden QL wind cover
Hose: Cobra Head
Screen/Foil: foil it came with
Liquid In base: Water with ice

very thin, almost minced. VERY juicy, almost overly so. very little to no stems

Smell: Amazing. smells like jolly rancher

very strong and tangy with 1st bowl. 2nd bowl little weaker.

Smoke Thickness: again, very thick on 1st bowl, less so with 2nd

Buzz: decent, but have had better

Duration: hour and 1/2

Overall : very good flavor, extremely juicy, assume it would be best with a phunnel, smoke i crazy thick, and filled vase very quick

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Potion WaterMelon

Setup :- My Traditional Egyptian

Bowl :- Standard Egyptian [Tarik advised to use my Funnel, But i've been smoking out of this for months so...]

Coals :- Exotica

Foil & Water

Cut :- Very Fine with stems cut into it. Very Wet with a thick juice

Smell :- Very Strong - No Mistake what this is biggrin.gif

Taste :- Strong , there is no mistaking what this is and the taste carries very well in the smoke!

Smoke :- Thick. Very good with Three 1/4's of a Exotica Stick

Duration :- 2Hrs, Flavour coming through very well and forthright.

Overall :- 8.5/10. Good strong flavour, Good smoke. Excellent. Edited by Johnny_D
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Setup: MYA QT, pair of 3 Kings, water base
Appearance: Brownish-red, gooey, stemmy
Smell: Nice fresh watermelon
Smoke: Big and thick
Flavor: After a few minutes it develops into a nice, sweet watermelon flavor; occasionally like that bubble gum. Very pleasant.
Buzz: Yeah, relaxing.
Duration: Abt an hour

Overall: Nice smoke. While not an entirely natural flavor, it’s not chemical or sweet candyish. Pleasant exhale reminds me of the gum flavor. Caveat: This stuff is so moist that on my first bowl it clogged the bowl and screwed up the smoke. Pack accordingly. 8.25/10

Thanks to MNH for the sample.
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  • 4 months later...
Potion Watermelon

Setup: Mya QT, Nammor, Romman Lemonwood coals, mod Egyptian bowl

Smell: Like watermelon. Good and sweet.

Taste: Like a watermelon jolly rancher. Not too sweet, but very intense and just absolutely wonderful.

Smoke: Medium clouds, about the same as Nakhla - maybe a little bigger

Duration: easy 2 hours with 0 flavor loss

Buzz: Pretty good actually, I didn't know this was unwashed until I read the tin.

Overall: Great smoke, definately 8.5+/10 - I've heard great things about AF watermelon - if it's better than Potion I would be very suprised.
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  • 7 months later...
Potion Juicy Watermelon

Hookah: Mya QT
Bowl: Tangiers Mini Phunnel
Screen/Foil: Reynolds HD
Hose: Nammor
Coals: Coconara
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Fine cut, swimming in juice, mushy consistency, and a few large uncut leaves
Nicotine: 0.5%
Base: Honey & Glycerin
Smell: Watermelon
Taste: Sweet Artificial Watermelon taste
Smoke: Good
Buzz: None
Duration: 1.5 Hours

Purchased From: Hookah-Shisha.com

Overall: 7/10 I am not a big artificial watermelon taste. But it isn't super candyish, just sweet. I like it but I am kinda picky on my watermelon. Wouldn't turn it down that's for sure.
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