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Afzal Chocomint

Setup: 22" Egyptian. Few drops of peppermint extract in the water. 2 Coconaras

Smell: Friend said it smelled like brownies, another said he could only smell the mint.

Cut: Fine cut, few small stems, sticky and moist

Taste: It tasted like an Andes mint. I am a huge chocolate mint fan, and it was really good. Next time I will leave the peppermint out of the base because it was VERY minty, but I still had the chocolate taste.

Smoke: I got really thick clouds for about 20 minutes, and after the clouds were still decent. I probably could've kept them big, but I was too lazy to light more coal.

Duration: With 4 of us on the 2 hoses, it was going a good 45 minutes to an hour before we called it quits. It probably could've gone a bit longer, but it's just one of those flavors that you lose interest in after awhile.

Buzz: I'm pretty new when it comes to smoking, but this was a pretty strong buzz especially in the beginning of the session. Chaining this gave me a really big buzz.

Overall: 8.7/10. You do lose interest in the flavor towards the end, and the big clouds don't last really long. Other than that, I enjoyed it. This is my first review, and I'm still pretty new at this. Therefore, I'm not positive on how my own actions affected the experience so my rating is kind of just a good guess.
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  • 3 years later...
[size="2"][b]Afzal [/b][b]Chocomint[/b]

[b]Setup: [/b]Sheecool Hookah,frozen vase with cold water and extra ice. (I like it cold as you can see)
Appeance: [/b][/size]Fine cut,not so wet[size="2"]
Smell: Smells like chocolate with a nice touch of mint.[/b]
Taste: Really nice flavor,you can sense the chocolate but also have that slight "burn" and taste of mint in the throat.[/b]
Smoke: Nice clouds[/b]
Buzz: Not much buzz[/b]
Overall:[/b][/size] I really like this flavor,it would be a bit better if it had more chocolate flavor.But still I recommend trying it. 8/10
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  • 1 year later...

Afzal chocomint

Bowl: large egy
Screen/Foil: Reynolds HD
Hose: Nuhose
Coals: leonaras
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Short Cut, Dark in Color
Nicotine: 0.5%
Base: Molasses
Smell: chocolate and mint
Taste: chocolate and mint,  fantastic balance
Smoke: Good Clouds
Buzz: Average
Duration: 1 Hour

Purchased From: hookah1.com

Overall: 9/10 , IMO this is the best chocomint available.  great balance of chocolate and mint..smooth and creamy..like a andes mint ..blows nakhla chocomint away, ( nakhla chocomint is pure menthol with a hint of chocolate right before the bowl dies)

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