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Banana & Honey


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[b]'s Review: *Havana Banana Honey *[/b]

[b]Setup:[/b] [list]Large egyptian
[b]Hose:[/b]60 inch leather hose
[b]Coals:[/b] 2 1/2 Golden quick lights, 1 at a time,then added a half near the end. Started at the edge and moving around the bowl clockwise, then to the center.
[b]Screen/Foil:[/b]household foil. Holes made with bamboo skewer and lots of em.
[b]Liquid In base:[/b]Eugene Oregon's finest city tap water (our water is actually really good....

[b]Cut:[/b]fine cut, much like AF but I did not see any stems. Really sticky.

[b]Smell:[/b]The unburned smell is deceiving. it smells like severely over-ripe bananas. All this changed once lit. The honey element was reminiscent of fresh clover honey, and the banana had a very fresh fruit aroma. Overall the room smelled like a big banana daiquiri.
[b]Taste:[/b]The early puffs had an overwhelming flavor of fresh honey, with very little banana. After about 5 minutes the flavor started to balance out. More intense flavor than the Al Fakher Banana-Milk, and way more flavor than romman banana, which to me has aroma, but no actual flavor. As time wore on the flavor became a littel less banana and more honey, but not dramatically so. All it took to refresh the flavor was to move the coal.
[b]Smoke Thickness:[/b]The smoke started off thin for about five minutes. Once the coals had time to do their thing, it was full on cloud action. I had good luck with maintaining thick fluffy smoke as long as I kept the coal from sitting in the same area too long, and shook the burnt ash off of the coals about every 15 minutes. The smoke never got harsh unless I stopped paying attention and let the coals sit in one place too long.

[b]Buzz:[/b]A mild light headedness.

[b]Duration:[/b] 1hr 45 minutes.

Overall I'd rate this a 9 out of 10. If banana is your thing then this may be the perfect banana tobacco for you.
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  • 8 months later...
Havana Banana-Honey

Smell/Flavor: Strong sweet honey smell out of the package.

Cut: fine, but mostly stems. Sticky with Honey

Smoke: Weak. Only got a small amount of smoke going.

Buzz: None

Amount(approx)/Duration: Full bowl, about 45 mins.

Hookah Type: Egyptian Pharoh 30", 2 hose

Bowl: Combo Bowl

Foil/Screen: Screen

Coal/Amount: 1 Golden

Liquid in Base: Water and Ice

Overall satisfaction (scale 1 to 10): 5/10. I felt like I was smoking nothing but Honey with this flavor. I could have stretched it out another 30 mins or so I would guess, but I had to bail on it at the 45 min. mark because I couldn't stand the taste any longer. There was no banana taste that I could detect and the smoke was really mild and did not billow like I prefer. Unless you really, really like Honey, I would avoid this. I'm going to mix what I have left with other flavors and I have no intention of purchasing this in the future. I have some Havana Mixed Fruit and Sweet Melon still to try. I hope it's better than this one.
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  • 3 months later...
Havana's Banana Honey

Setup: The Queen 4 Port
Bowl: Stanard
Hose: Basic Mya 6 foot.
Screen/Foil: 15-30 holes, basic setup
Liquid In base: Water/Ice

Cut: Lot of stems, did up the bowl fast

Smell: Worst smelling Shisha ever, reminded me of puke

Taste:Disgusting.. Cant even put a name on it...

Smoke Thickness: Tasted to bad, maybe lasted 5 minutes, but the smoke wasnt bad, thick....

Buzz: Didnt give it a chance

Duration: So nasty, 5 minutes for us...

I honestly give it a 1/10, it smelt bad, tasted bad... Just wasn't a good one imo...
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  • 6 years later...

Havana Banana & Honey

Hookah: Tokel Tuğralı 
Bowl: Kasbah Mini Phunnel
Screen/Foil: Reynolds Heavy Duty
Hose: Nammor
Coals: Coconara
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Obliterated Pulp
Nicotine: 0.05%
Base: Molasses
Smell: Banana
Taste: Banana & Honey
Smoke: Good Clouds
Buzz: None
Duration: 2 Hours

Purchased From: Hookah-Shisha.com

Overall: 2/10 This could have been decent but when it mixed it just seemed weak. Havana should have just kept these separate if it couldn’t produce stronger flavor. It’s a sweet banana flavor whenever you get a taste of it.

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