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Tangiers Funnel bowl - my 2 cents

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What an explosion of a thread!!!Macho: Save up your money and custom order one, from me. A little pricey, but well worth it to get exactly what you want. Aerorox: Ahhh! Give him a gutten morgen ein me. Just say hi. Anpu: Delivered some to Hookah Company, yesterday. Evans Light: Sent them off to HookahKings yesterday.Dizzy Guy:About 5 days. Oryon: Bought blended tobacco, added molasses, cooked it, added flavoring and glycerine. More or less. Its alot more complicated, of course.Evans: California is not known for their bumper crop of tobacco.Paul Davis: It is...theoretically. Since they're handmade, there will be some variance. The suction tends to pull the foil down if there isn't enough tobacco in there. If the phunnel is too tall, it gets more ashy from the charcoal, too. Which is the real concern we had abvout raising the phunnel. Nunu: (There's actually a really popular bar, here in San Diego, called Nunu's.) I did too...12 MONTHS AGO! [IMG]smileys/smiley36.gif" align="middle" /> GumonShoe: You are going to take an amount of tobacco, and cook it with corn syrup, honey or molasses (In order of sales popularity in the marketplace, right now) and water. Glycerine is added AFTER the cooking. I'm not too worried, really. My father used to make his own wine. Ultimately, there will always be "Do it yourselfers". The majority will still buy. I tried to convince Hookah Company to sell the doodads to make your own at home. The problems you will face is flavoring availability and price. Manufacturers aren't excited about selling 100mL of a flavoring. They won't. Actually, getting good, cheap glycerine is also very hard, too. Gots to buy it by the 55 gallon drum or railroad tank car for the good shit. Joe & Sanguine: Well put! Coca Cola could put their forumla on things...it doesn't matter. Nobody can duplicate it...they just don't want you to know that is manufactured (although from ENTIRELY natural sources, although thats makes little difference)
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[quote name='Tangiers'] Anpu: Delivered some to Hookah Company, yesterday.  [/quote]So does this mean the new bowls at hookah company are smaller then the ones at hookah kings??? I Think that was the question from Anpu.[quote name='Tangiers']GumonShoe: You are going to take an amount of tobacco, and cook it with corn syrup, honey or molasses (In order of sales popularity in the marketplace, right now) and water. Glycerine is added AFTER the cooking. I'm not too worried, really. My father used to make his own wine. Ultimately, there will always be "Do it yourselfers". The majority will still buy.  [b]I tried to convince Hookah Company to sell the doodads to make your own at home. The problems you will face is flavoring availability and price. Manufacturers aren't excited about selling 100mL of a flavoring. They won't. Actually, getting good, cheap glycerine is also very hard, too. Gots to buy it by the 55 gallon drum or railroad tank car for the good shit.[/b][/quote] OMG Tangiers if you make a Home-shisha making kit I will be all over that, even if it is just like a one time use deal. I brew my own beer and it is so much fun, I can imagine that making the shisha would be the same.
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ahh, another tangiers mega post :P [quote name='Tangiers'] Evans Light: Sent them off to HookahKings yesterday.[/quote] very awesome, looks like im gonna have to wait just a bit longer :D[quote name='Tangiers'] Evans: California is not known for their bumper crop of tobacco.[/quote] exactly what i thought :D
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