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Black Grape


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Layalina Black Grape

Smell/Flavor: Very Strong smell. Not unlike Al Fakhir Grapes. But sweeter.

Cut: Very fine. didn't notice any stems. Very very wet. Fingers were soaked in juice! (This is not a complaint)

Smoke: Really Thick Clouds with Lots of flavour

Buzz: No real Buzz. But i'm used to tobacco.

Duration: 2Hrs with Japenese style coals. Excellent flavour throughout.

9.5/10 A Damn good tobacco as ever with strong flavour and durability. But not one of my fav flavours.

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  • 7 months later...
Layalina Black Grape

Set up: JandR, Exoticas, Phunnel

Umm..Black Grape?

Cut: Nice, not as many stems as AF.

Smoke: Thick and smooth.

Buzz: barely noticeable

Taste: Like Black Grape, kind of a sweet wine without any bitterness, would like sweeter.

Duration: about 1.5 hours.

Overall: 8/10. I think the sweetness could be stronger, the taste. Worth the 9.00 for sure.
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