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Romman Grape

Smell/Flavor: Strong Grape Smell coming right out of the package.

Cut: Medium. Light on stems and GOOPY with Honey

Smoke: thick

Buzz: Pretty heavy buzz in the first 15 minutes. Tapered off pretty quick after that though

Amount(approx)/Duration: 3/4 Bowl. About 1hr 15min.

Hookah Type: Egyptian Pharoh, 2 hose

Bowl: Combo Bowl

Foil/Screen: Screen

Coal/Amount: 2 goldens, one at a time.

Liquid in Base: Water and Ice

Overall satisfaction (scale 1 to 10): 7/10. Really sweet Grape flavor throughout, but it was a bit strong for my liking, I would probably mix it with something in the future. Lots of thick smoke though.
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  • 3 months later...
Romman Grape

Set up: Maya QT, ice water, golden instant lites

The this shisha smelled terrible. It resembled nothing remotly close to a grape flavor. I contemplated not smoking it just because it smelled so bad

Cut: pretty fine cut, only one or two stems. Not so juicy

Smoke: Pretty thick smoke. typical romman

Buzz: I got a decent niccotine buzz from this.

Taste: Just like it smelled, shit. I took 2 hits out of it and i was done. Absolutly terrible

Duration: don't know. I cleaned out my bowl and threw away the remaining 50g box of it after 2 hits.

Overall: 1/10. it was like I was smoking vomit.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Romman grape

setup 30" glyph, small 5 gram bowl, broken up quick light golden coals 40 mm
Smell: started off alright, smelled like grape, then the smell went downhill.
Cut: a few stems but not that bad
Smoke: started off bad but smoke built up pretty nicely
buzz: got a tingle to start off with
Taste: not a bad taste, but that went downhil aswell, it sucked after about 10 minutes, very bad taste and had a not so good sell
duration: 15 minutes, then i threw the bowl out, romman grape is trash

overall 3/10 im going to throw it out, i wouldnt want to give it away and give someone a bad impression of hookah.
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  • 4 months later...
Romman Grape

Set up: 30" Pharaoh with standard egyptian bowl and Golden QL

Appearance: Looks like tobacco/shisha a bit on the dry side so I added just a tad of honey.

Smell: This smelled of grapes but almost like medicine flavor of grapes.

Smoke: Very light fluffy clouds of white smoke. Not light as in thin smoke but it was heavy at all like some other brands. Also with a nice
grape scent.

Taste: This is where I lost it, very little if any, I think this had to do with some heat issues but also when it was going good it was light,
there was also a nice hint of honey which I loved, this was from me adding some but that was near the end.

Duration: I smoked for about an hour maybe a little more. The hint of flavor was there the whole time it could have kept going for a while,
but I was tired of dealing with coals and it got cold. I could have had at least another 20 to 30 mins.

Overall: I give this a 6.5 out of 10 just because the lack of flavor. I might add to that the flavor is very strong when you open the package
which was misleading mellow.gif

Buzz: I didnt forget I just dont think it should be added to the review. The buzz was meh, if there was one, I didnt notice any also I was
smoking slowly but I really didnt notice one.


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Romman Grape

Hookah: Mya Obelisk
Bowl: Hemi Bowl
Screen/Foil: Screen
Hose: Cobra Head
Coals: Golden Quicklights
Base Liquid: Water

Appearance: Fine Cut, Brown, extremely moist, and fresh
Nicotine: 0.5%
Base: Honey & Glycerin
Smell: The smell was unidentifiable
Taste: The taste is has a small hint of Grape, not really there! Drinking a Wild Blue Blueberry Lager helped enhance the taste, but still struggling to get there
Smoke: Big white clouds. Really good
Buzz: Nice buzz I have grown to expect from Romman
Duration: ~90 Minutes

Purchased From: Hookah-Shisha.com

Overall: 5/10 Nice Smoke, hint of the real flavor
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