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Fumari Caramel

Setup: Ballerina 3-hose
Bowl: Standard clay bowl
Hose: stock hose
Coals / Foil: Quicklights with foil
Liquid In base: ice water

Cut: Finely cut, and very gooey; lot's of juice

Smell: Smells very sweet and strong, was anxious to try it once i smelled the package

Taste: The flavor is a balance between in your face and faint, its nice and mild and has a mixture of strong caramel and butterscotch.

Smoke Thickness: Blackouts

Buzz: Mild but noticeable

Duration: 1 hr

Overall: 7/10 would have liked it to have a tad bit more flavor. Wish i had a phunnel when I smoked it because the juice drenched the bowl and grommet.
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