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Calling Mr. Badawi!!! pt.2

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The first posts were lost in the server crash. Anyways a friend brought back this MYA hookah from Dubai in this gorgeous case and I was wondering if you could tell me more about them both.thanks, Scalli[img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/dubai/HPIM2165.jpg[/img][img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/dubai/HPIM2166.jpg[/img][img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/dubai/HPIM2167.jpg[/img][img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/dubai/HPIM2168.jpg[/img][img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/dubai/HPIM2169.jpg[/img][img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/dubai/HPIM2170.jpg[/img]
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I might be wrong, but to me that looks like a custom job put together by a hookah distributor overseas. It appears that the glass is Syrian and the black and white hose is egyptian. I can't tell anything about the case, but that might be some kind of off the shelf item since it does not actually say MYA on it.
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[quote name='Social Smoke']I might be wrong, but to me that looks like a custom job put together by a hookah distributor overseas. It appears that the glass is Syrian and the black and white hose is egyptian. I can't tell anything about the case, but that might be some kind of off the shelf item since it does not actually say MYA on it.[/quote] It very well could be. The pickup tube is too short and you have to fill it pretty high. I have to use an extension to avoid that since I like using juice in the base. The stem grommet did not fit good either. So no telling. You guys are in DFW so when we have the Hookah party hopefully you can show?
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We'll come out to party, give us a call if you need us to bring out some tobacco or hookahs, etc.If you guys need a venue, we can make a few phone calls and get it set up in a variety of different locations, maybe Velvet Hookah if you want a lounge thing or there is a nice cafe that we could all meet up at and eat Mediteranian food, smoke, and hand out in the Mid-Cities Area. Let us know if you have other ideas
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[quote name='EvansLight']holy mother of gawd this is gonna be awesome [IMG]smileys/smiley4.gif" align="middle" /> scally i think this is gettin too big to hold at your house anymore, unless you think you got room :P[/quote]My living room is pretty big. The house is 3200sf. But too many people is quite possible with SS in the picture.
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Dear Scalliwag The Stem, Hose, Plate, And Tobacco Burner are MYA products the case and the vase are Syrian made.We know this customer he purchase lots of MYA parts from us.Should you have more questions please do not hesitate to contact us at 866 277-9MYAThank youMahmoud BadawiCEO
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