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[quote name='DarthHookah']well guys, i do have some korean orphans for sale, US$30, and you can go for the premium (healthy korean orphan and a pound of Kim Chi) for $40.[/quote] oh sign me up for $40 lil premium!! WOOT, wait does he know how to pack a bowl?
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Like I said, at $200-$300 a Kg, they're going to push them all day long. You could buy several Kilos of Fumari for that or like 5Kg of my stuff. Hey, Mushy, isn't this when someone comes on from Hookah Hookah company and says something to the effect "We had no idea they were doing this, we talked to them and we apologize." or something like that? Who was that one "Somebody at the library thing?" Yeah, the people from Company X, who never come around just happened to be looking around when the lone nut at the library tries to burn them? No such thing as coincedences. You guys really are gullible!Persian Pride, it obviously was the owners of the company masquerading as a girl, they knew exactly what was happening, its obviously a game to them to harass us. Its the most likeyl scenario...everything else seems less likely and involves alot more "if, if, if". They either want to be annoying or they don't know how to work positively with other people...their customers. Disgusting.
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the orange is damn tasty...tastes the most like real orange juice I have ever tried.Her e-mail was a girls name@hookahhookah.com so she probably is a real girl who works for them, otherwise they'da been smart enough to change the whole e-mail. AFter all, it was only visible to the mods...
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Man this Hookah-hookah boycott didn't last too long. Why don't we just send them a letter explaining our beliefs. Something along the lines of:Dear HookahhookahPlease stop being such dicks about your advertising particularly the damn shots. Their not that freakin special you knowOr yeah something like that
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i picked up some vanilla and fruit punch shots. im gonna dive into them tomorrow. and this was before i read hookahgirl's post her plan didnt work muah ha ha!
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[quote name='mushrat']the orange is damn tasty...tastes the most like real orange juice I have ever tried.  Her e-mail was a girls name@hookahhookah.com so she probably is a real girl who works for them, otherwise they'da been smart enough to change the whole e-mail. AFter all, it was only visible to the mods...[/quote] Yes, but its more fun to call her a man and accuse them of faggotry and compare them to pederasts. They have it coming.
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lmao wow thats mean. and im still on the boycott, give me some tangiers, its better than that dried up shit anyways, actually ive never smoked tangiers but if i have id prolly say somthin along those lines
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