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Japanese Coals from socialsmoke


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Hookah-Shisha sells Golden Coal,  and next to 3Kings, 
they're the best quick-light coals on the market......Period. 
There's no harsh aftertast,  they don't impart any bad
odors,  they're pratically smoke-free,  and apparently they
burn hotter and longer than any quick-light coal out there.  I
love 3Kings,  because they don't combust and blow up shooting coal
fragments in every direction.  Golden Coals tend to combust
sometimes,  which is why it's better to light them in your kitchen
by the sink.  Next to Golden Coals,  3Kings is my
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Hi Ali
I was thinking of trying out your japanese coals as well - and I will.
I'm just getting an orderlist sorted out with the friends. Then I'll be a happy retuning customer soon. I will try out the whole sortiment of Al Fakher this time
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Thanks Ali for posting that on the forum. i'll be definitly hitting up socialsmoke.com and placing an order soon so i can try out some of the new(improved) japanses coals.
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[quote name='Mathazar']Hookah-Shisha sells Golden Coal,  and next to 3Kings, 
they're the best quick-light coals on the market......Period.  [/quote] 

 I agree Mathazar.  Although I havent tried 3-kings coals,
Ive tried lots of differet quick lights, jap coals, and lots of
different natural wood coals.  And even though I do favor natural
wood over anything, Golden coals are the next best thing beside
snatural woods, imo.  They don't smell bad at all, they light
quick, they hardly combust ( i havent had a time when they combusted
yet). They dont add ANY flavor to your smoke AT ALL. They are just like
natural wood coals. And they stay hot a lot longer and last alot longer
than most otehr quick lights. I really really recomend Golden coals,
they are just great. Now Ive never tried 3 -kings, but Im sure they are
great too.
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