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Its Baaaaaack >:D

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lol, just letting everyone know that hasn't seen it, the QT is pack up on the myasaray page again :D and i must say if i didnt like blue so much i would so get the purple one :P[url="http://myasaray.com/store/index.asp"]http://myasaray.com/store/index.asp[/url]still wish i could like trade my stem in or something, dont really like this whole grenade lookin thing, really wanted the c class stem oh well
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I didn't like how the purple, grey, and azure look like their pictures were taken against a duller background. with the blue, the sky blue, and the amber, you seem to be able to see the colors jump out more. I'm a fan of purple, but the pictures I saw disuaded me from getting oneguess i could always drop 300 and get the purple bohemian crystal one though...
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damn right abides, the qt will eventually be in your house as well!! YOU CANT FIGHT IT!!besides people had been asking about the fact that the qt was no longer the myasaray website, i was making sure they knew it was back :D
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Why is it we agree on the strangest things, Dude Abides?I hate hearing about QTs! OK, I'm better now. I like Mya stuff, I prefer other brands that have brass cores rather than Mya's aluminum cores, but their glass is awesome and those real, expensive cloisonne hookahs are beautiful.
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