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Is there a way to see a list or something like that, that would show who's all online currently? 

It could be a tab itself or it can be a scroll box on the main page somewhere .... it would be nice to know who is logged in for possible TC sessions. I know there is the online/offline on the persons profile, but it would be nice for a quick glance type option. I do see a problem for those of us who are on the phones, constantly being on and what not .... would there be an icon or something stating mobile? i hope this makes sense, i'm kind of doing 3 things at once. 

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Pulling a Jess here...


The bottom of the home page


As for stating if someone is viewing the forum on a mobile device, that is actually a feature we used to have a version or two back with Invision Power Board. They took it away, unfortunately. It busted people out who used shitty IE, haha. Anyway, it would have a little mobile device icon for those members viewing from their phones and other mobile devices.


EDIT: Found the thread made by Click that shows you what it looked like: http://www.hookahforum.com/topic/35415-my-favorite-part-about-the-new-forum-style/

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