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First Tangiers experience!!!

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Tangiers Kashmir PeachSetup: 28" Social Smoke Egyptian, cold tap water in the base. New funnel bowl. Holes poked in the foil around the funnel and around the edge. One hole in the center. I filled up the bowl almost to the top of the funnel.Smell: Not really a peach smell but after sitting out for a while you could catch a hint of peach. Awesome, yet unfamiliar scent.Cut: Very thick, big leaves.[url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img378.imageshack.us/img378/5959/shishahb0.jpg[/img]Coals: I started off using a 3 Kings and quickly added a chunk of natural. I was afraid the natural would roll off and burn something since I wasn't able to use my wind cover, but it was O.K.[img]http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/6076/0914060243pc3.jpg[/img]Flavor Flav!!!: Sorry bout that, couldn't help myself. But yeah the flavor was different. I expected to taste peach with a hint of spice, but it was the other way around. I really enjoyed it, as well as my friends. Next time a smoke this I'm going to mix it with some regular peach. It was like nothing I've ever tasted before. Awesome.Smoke: It started off weak. I put more coal and it got a little better. The foil was getting sucked on top of the funnel. I used a toothpick to pic up on the foil and WHAM!! huge smoke clouds!! I left the toothpick on to give some space between the foil and funnel, worked great.[img]http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/1505/0914060400kf5.jpg[/img][/url]We smoked for about two hours. The smoke never got harsh and never lost flavor. Great smoke.Buzz: I was a little worried to try this because a had a really bad headache all day and I heard Tangiers packs a punch. Well I'll be damned I had the best buzz ever from shisha and no sign of my headache!!! My friends agree it was a great buzz!Overall: Very enjoyable smoke. Great flavor, great smoke, and long lasting. I'm sure it will only get better with experience. As for the bowl- Awesome.I'm gonna rate not just the bowl and shisha but the session. 4/5. I think I'm going to name my child after the great Tangiers!!! J/K Nice job Eric!!
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I still can't get over the size of Tangier's heads.. I'd order a small phunnel bowl in a heartbeat if he offered them (aside from custom order).. Also, I like the pictorial threads that have been popping up as of late.. good stuff!My next round of shisha purchases will include tangiers for sure
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Ummm... he's been on this board for awhile... so between him and moreso all the of the good reviews he gets, people pick up his stuff... which generally lead to more good reviews :D BTW, great idea with the toothpick, DW
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Umm... no. Good products sell themselves. When you have several members leaving great reviews, not just one or two people going *OMG THIS STUFF IS TEH SHIZNIT YOU NED TA BUY RIIIIGHTAWAY!*, you can expect good things... granted, it's not for everyone though. What do you have against Tangiers?
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[quote name='Smileys Ulti']I do nto have any problems with Tangiers at all. Why do you ask?[/quote] Because that's how you come across when you ask if we were 'spammed' into buying his products. We buy his products because everyone that tries it loves it, and those who love it buy more....
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I've used both. When I first started smoking hookah, Smiley's bowls were all I knew of. They are kick ass. I was going to get one, but the ones I like are really expensive. I do like the glass screens. Hey Smiley, how about making a glass screen for my phunnel bowl?
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