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For people who don't use Reddit: That's totally fine, but don't knock something you really don't have a clue about. Reddit is what you make of it. What you subscribe to is everything. Browsing Reddit without an account is stupid and will not show you what Reddit is about. For example: Are you a fan of video games, but don't like all the meme's and 14 year olds talking like they know more than people who have been gaming since the atari days? So then stop going to /r/gaming and start going to /r/games. That's how Reddit is, and someone who is an outsider would have no idea about that. There are subs for very very specific things, not just in topic, but in context as well. Pick a topic, and there are probably a dozen subs that are for more specific sects of that topic. Subscribe to what you like, unsub from what you don't and voila, you essentially have a forum that takes all your favorite aspects of all your favorite forums and combines them into one front page, where you can vote on what content belongs and what doesn't. 


I love Reddit. But, that being said, /r/hookah is a fucking joke, and the moderators and users clearly don't give a shit about making it a better place, so I've more or less given up on it. 



I've got boatloads of time for Reddit.

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For people who don't use Reddit: That's totally fine, but don't knock something you really don't have a clue about. Reddit is what you make of it. What you subscribe to is everything. Browsing Reddit without an account is stupid and will not show you what Reddit is about. For example: Are you a fan of video games, but don't like all the meme's and 14 year olds talking like they know more than people who have been gaming since the atari days? So then stop going to /r/gaming and start going to /r/games. That's how Reddit is, and someone who is an outsider would have no idea about that. There are subs for very very specific things, not just in topic, but in context as well. Pick a topic, and there are probably a dozen subs that are for more specific sects of that topic. Subscribe to what you like, unsub from what you don't and voila, you essentially have a forum that takes all your favorite aspects of all your favorite forums and combines them into one front page, where you can vote on what content belongs and what doesn't. 


I love Reddit. But, that being said, /r/hookah is a fucking joke, and the moderators and users clearly don't give a shit about making it a better place, so I've more or less given up on it. 



I've got boatloads of time for Reddit.


Hm, maybe I should give it a chance then, the other subreddits anyway...

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there are some places to avoid like the plague there. But some places have some great discussion. I have found so many areas that have information on things i am interested in and have learned a lot from reading the discussions that happen in comments there. Yes there are a lot of memes floating around, but that is fine with me. 

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