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Why Do We Do That?


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So as a parent, occasionally you have to think what we are going to teach our kids. 


We taught our 3 year old daughter how and when to wash her hands. She took to it like a champ. My little boy seems disinterested at the entire concept.


...so i was thinking.... why....


I go into a restroom and take a leak, wash my hands and leave. 


I thought... why? Don't I have that reversed? I shower and clean myself regularly. It's not like I am going around screwing random girls, sticking my stuff in random things, disgusting places. It's just as possibly sweaty as my forearm. But as a tech, I am crawling under desks, taking apart roach filled computers, climbing through insulated ceilings (some probably asbestos). I don't want my hands touching my junk. 


Not saying I am not...just some food for thought. 


In hind sight, I shouldn't have mentioned it to my wife...I know have to take a full shower now before ... ya know.

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We've been prgrammed man! It's a conspiracy!
Hahaha but ya I agree with chreees. It's the norm. We were all taught it at a young age and now it's habit
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its because we think to ourselves oh our house is clean and what i did all day means im clean, lol


but at work i wash before and after i go, but its because im messing with drugs all day and shit gets on my hands that i dont want on my privates lol, since im not able to wash my privates at work in the sink.

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You wouldn't lick the inside of your underwear after wearing them for a few hours would you? It doesn't matter how nicely you polish your junk, it's still not super clean by mid morning.

Also, if you piss at a urinal, you probably get some splash back sometimes and if you have already dropped the kids off at the pool, your junk has been dangling inside of a toilet for at least 15 minutes.

For me, just being inside of the public bathroom makes me want to wash my hands. There have been times when someone destroyed it so bad, I wanted to take a shower after just going in to piss.

Here's some more food for thought. How dirty is the end of your belt? It hangs between your junk and the urinal when you go to take a leak and drags the bathroom floor when you drop your trousers for your morning meditation. You have never washed the end of your belt have you. How many years have you been wearing the same belt? Hanging it next to the golden waterfall, mopping the public bathroom floor with it? Then you casually handle the end of your belt several times a day.

I will wash my hands before I pee if I have been eating greasy or spicy food with my hands.
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I feel rather poorly for individuals who have to clean up public restrooms. Instead of questioning as to why we have to wash our hands after we use the bathroom. How about why are these public spaces that are used by all are trashed half the time by people? From my experience in a woman's restroom, it is rather disgusting and makes me question as to why they treat these facilities like that when they do not do this with their own. 

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I clean public bathrooms at a high school, I know in the case of the school, the kids just dont have much respect for the bathroom. makes me sad, but i clean them to the point that i would feel okay with eating lunch in there, as for washing hands, I dont like to do tht unless i have to

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i never understood trashing them, and like just leaving stuf like tp on the floor and what, or carving or writing onthe walls. I was never like that nor am i today. I really hate when people dont lift then seat and piss alllll over the lid, or pee on the floor! what the hell is wrong with you? seriously? like I worked at walgreens back like 7 years ago and i remember I had a customer ask to use the restroom i told them the way and them came back to me like 1 minute after the asked and said um there is poop all over the floor and on the wall. i tell the lady im sorry and she then goes to the mens room. I don't know WHO DID IT, but WTFFF like...seriously? couldn't make it to the toliet? and how did it get on the wall. Took my manager like 3 hrs to get it all clean.  I couldn't do it since im not management i couldn't clean stool or blood, against store policy :) but wow!!!


Then i got assistant management like 3 months later and some lady left her tampon on the floor in the bathroom...wow people.

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oh yeah, I havbe to deal with tampons on the floor, never had shit all over, but im sure it will happen. What confuses me is how females are able to get piss everywhere, I get it with guys, sometimes we miss, or it just decides to spray all over the place, but seriously, I have come into womens restrooms to clean where there is pee  on the floor, the seat, under the seat, even had it on the front of the toilet and on the flush part, how the fuck are they managing that?

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According to my wife the ladies restroom is far worse than the mens because a  lot of women will not sit on the seat so the "hover" or squat over the seat and try to aim. That stuff flies everywhere. Also the ladies room is where kids get taken into. Little boys hosing down the seat and walls and little girls sqatting and trying to aim with out the proper "equipment"


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I usually wash my hands before and after. Not because I'm a germaphobe. But simply because well... I don't know where my hands have been :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

According to my wife the ladies restroom is far worse than the mens because a  lot of women will not sit on the seat so the "hover" or squat over the seat and try to aim. That stuff flies everywhere. Also the ladies room is where kids get taken into. Little boys hosing down the seat and walls and little girls sqatting and trying to aim with out the proper "equipment"



Yeah its true. A lot of woman won't sit on the seat and the children issue is really accurate. I see woman in the restroom at the mall with the little kids and they are in a rush and trying to keep the kids together (usually they are wondering off trying to explore something or trying to peek through the stalls to look at people pee'ing)... they dont' really have time to make sure the restroom is spotless. Plus all the bags. Ugh... what a hassle.


I was at the track for some vw show (it might have been H20 or something...) and the women's room at the track was DISGUSTING EW EW EW. There was bloody tampons stacked on the back of the toilet, toiletpaper used on the floor, shit and blood. omg wtf. puke too becaue everyone was wasted. disgusting. Anyway then there was no soap or papertowels either. sick. I think I might have pee'd in a bush or someones rv. probably both. 


Even when it looks professionally cleaned the chances are is that its still disgusting and full of germs. I am currently dealing with this in the commercial office highrise that I manage. Our janitorial company is about to get fiirreeedddd....


As for washing hands... I was in philosophy class one day and the teacher was talking about showering when you wake up or before you go to bed. Do you shower when you wake up and get clean for the day or do you shower before you do to bed to keep your sheets clean so your not sleeping in the dirt from the day? I go to work, then to yoga, take a shower and am in for the night. I wash my hands when I leave the bathroom. I'm not too concerned about germs because I figure I have a healthy immune system and it's job is to take care of that. I haven't been sick in a few years... no influenza, no food poisoning, not really any cold (any cold symptoms I have are usually minor and only last a couple days). 


thats my ramble about that.

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