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Smokeing Hookah

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I've been doing this as of late and it makes a very nice difference. I freeze the stem for about 10 minutes before a session and the smoke is noticeably cooler for about 30-40 minutes into the session. I put the vase in the freezer for about 5 minutes, but the idea of leaving it in the fridge is even better (no need to worry about cracking it). I've yet to try the hose trick, but just doing the stem and base make the smoke so cool that the metal on the handle of my hose is chilled.
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I know many people add ice. I prefer warm or hotter water in my base. I think the warmer temperature give a smoother smoke. I imagine it is because of a temperature coefficient or something with the warm smoke.
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[quote name='Tangiers']I'd think the shank would go back to room temperature within 5 or 10 minutes.[/quote] well my qt stem is solid, so it stays pretty cool through a good half of the smoke, and by the time it starts to heat up ive got the hookah going good enough to still have a good amount of smoke. Add in ice in the base and i be a happy camper :D
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[quote name='Lakemonster']Worth a shot........... but dont take anything HOOKAH one step further.  The freezer is off limits... dont matter what it is.  Nothing hookah related goes in the freezer.[/quote] Now that is smart. I always tell people, on a related matter, if you use a fork for packing and poking, don't use it for food and Don't reuse tobacco containers for food.
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