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Screens for funnel bowl!!

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If someone can get me three dimensions I can do it. The outside diameter (edge to edge) of the bowl and if you were to lay a straight edge across the top of the bowl, what is the distance to the top of the funnel? Also the outside diameter of the funnel. I have an ideeeer because of what I have read Tangiers and others say about the successful methods they've used.
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whats wrong with foil? ive used screens and foil and to be honest they dont make any difference to me. i like the ritual of foiling up, poking holes, and lighting coals. a screen seems like im in a rush, and hookah is something i like to take time with.
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Gunner, what you drew was a big help because I modded it to what I have been thinking about. I am pretty sure it was Tangiers that mentioned someone, maybe him, making holes in one area to one side in foil and rotating the foil. I took that idea for the screen. Also LIP 1 keeps the screen centered by riding close to the outside of the bowl. LIP 1 also extends up above the screen to make it easier to handle the coals so they cannot just be slid off the edge by accident. LIP 2 comes down over the funnel but there is an air gap. The purpose of LIP 2 is to force the hot air to pull down lower into the shisha. The ugly red line is to show somewhat the path the air would take. From what I understand the top of the funnel is lower than the top of the bowl? To get a idea if you look at a cover on a spray can and how you can rotate it. The screen would not be that tight but that is an example. Also if you look in one (spray can cover) you will see something similar to what I am trying to explain about LIP 2. Hopefully this makes sense?That is my redneck idea. [img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/funnel_screen.jpg[/img]
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Scally, that's a superb idea! If you could mold a screen to actuall curve to the funnel in the middle, that would ensure air would go all the way through the shishsa, not requiring direct contact (even though it would still be good), the only forseeable problem would be restriction of airflow at that point
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[quote name='Anpu']Scally, that's a superb idea!  If you could mold a screen to actuall curve to the funnel in the middle, that would ensure air would go all the way through the shishsa, not requiring direct contact (even though it would still be good), the only forseeable problem would be restriction of airflow at that point[/quote] I am trying to follow what you are describing but I'm missing it. Can ya draw a pic? On mine I am just figuring that if it worked like that with foil as far as the holes to one side it should work as good or better since with the foil the heat is not being redirected. One nice thing is that a prototype could easily be made with a large washer (non-galvanized!) a drill, 3/4" copper tube to act as LIP 2 and foil to encase the tube to the washer. If I had one of his bowls already this would already be tested.But try to draw up what you are talking about since I have a hard time following along bro.
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Hmmm... this is from someone with NO experience but reading mind you... 5x5 each side, ring around the outside, right around the middle, hole in middle maybe, but maybe not because it won't seal down over the middle because it is a screen[img]http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/DizzyGuy/funnel_screen.jpg[/img]
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Scalli, i like the idea of the screen you have and also the path of the air going to the funnel. Do you think Angling the center sections area would help instead of having them go straight down? maybe something like thisI-----------/-----------------I
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I don't know how much the inner funnel differs in height between each of the handmade bowls Tangiers makes, but maybe put something in the middle of the screen where your gauranteed not to block the funnel hole. Perhaps some kind of simple post/stop.
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I pretty much have to get at least one in hand to play with. I can get plenty of washers and knock out all sorts of prototypes really quick. Definately have to get a first hand feel for it before knocking off a permanent one. I have a small lathe and mill for that.
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