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What do you guys think about mixing flavors?

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There are many differnt opinions on wether or not people should mix flavors. (If this has been posted before forgive me, I am new.)Some peolpe swear up and down that mixing flavors makes for a bad smoke and your not supposed to do it.I personally love to mix flavors. After working in a hookah bar and smoking EvVVVVvvVEry Day, you do get bored of your "Favorite" Flavors. I think mixing flavors gives it a new kick everytime you try something new.It also helps that there a endless possibilities. So what do you guys, and girls think about mixing?
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yup..been discussed a lot, im sure yuo'll get all sorts of new replies, but you may also want to try "mix" n the engine for some older folks favorites.Persinally i was never a big fan of mixing. I'd do AF GS ESK apple with a little nakhla 2 apple sometimes, but I have to admit Tangiers f-line Red Tea mixed with Pharoah's Peach was an awsome peach iced tea kinda taste.
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haha Wow, your flavor choice is COMPLETE oposite from mine! I can do a little mint, but no on the 2xApple, Lemon or orange. haha Bahraini and Eskandarini is good though. So I take it most of you guys like to mix flavors.
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Try mixeing 2apple and strawberry plus a little mint Littl couple of leaves and a tea spoon of you favorite coffe grounds.Mix and Load. This mix is yummie and kicks your ass.Then the Coffee will give you a JOLT!!! HahaI suggest Nakla for all the above but other brands will work.I got this Mix from a Buddy of mine from Eygpt. Smiley
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You can add Coffee grounds to any flavor to give you a Jolt. Also a great flavor depending on the quality of the beans and flavor of the beans. If you like Qrange. Mix Orange and Vanilla plus a Rich Mocha Coffee grounds then add milk to your vase mix with Ice Cold Water. A Shot glass for a Big Vas Half for a Med size vase and Quater shot for a small vase. tastes like a chocolate covered orange candy. Just a pinch of Coffee Grounds this time.Smiley
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[quote name='Smileys Ulti']Try mixeing 2apple and strawberry plus a little mint Littl couple of leaves and a tea spoon of you favorite coffe grounds.Mix and Load. This mix is yummie and kicks your ass.Then the Coffee will give you a JOLT!!! HahaI suggest Nakla for all the above but other brands will work.I got this Mix from a Buddy of mine from Eygpt.  Smiley[/quote] Wow that sounds interesting, I don't like 2xapple but I just might have to try this one.
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