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Kashmir Problems?

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Just tried my new f-line kashmir, and i dont know what went wrong but it was pretty terrible, i let it acclimate for 6hours, but it just tasted kinda like soap, i was using nours so i dont think the coal was the issue, if any of you have had this problem, 1 does it get better, and 2 how to i fix it? more acclimating? 6 hours has always been good to me, and it wasnt extremely harsh, and it smells great, but doesnt taste anything like it smells
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If it tastes like soap, then I have to ask, did you recently clean your hookah with soap? You could have accidentally left some residue down the shaft.I don't have a ton of experience with Tangers tobacco. It's been a while since I first got a free sample, so I can't offer much help in that department.
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