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WOW!! Al Fakher Strawberry

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Just got my Order from TheHookah with some Al Fakher Strawberry today...
Got a bowl going right now and all I can say is WOW!! this stuff is awesome!!  I put too much coal on at first and over cooked it a little but STILL Awesome
Can't wait to try the Cherry & Cappuccino
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that seems to be pretty much what most people on here think. i must have got a bad batch when i had my sample pack because it tasted like candy corn, i was awful. guess i'll need to get some more to try.
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I've got some AF Strawberry  that's been sitting in the cabinet
for a couple weeks now....untouched.  I must have gotten a bad
batch, too,  because I don't taste any strawberry at all. 
I'm smoking AF Coconut,  and IT tastes exactly like coconut. 
I'll have to give the strawberry another try,  since most everyone
else around here thinks it's so AWESOME.
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I like strawberry fakher, but wouldn't buy it myself, not much of a strawberry man. It is decent though.
@mathazar, coconut is an exceptional smoke, and is a far better flavour than strawberry. It doesn't sound like you got a bad batch, because coconut is that much better.
top regular fakhers are Apple, Coconut and Grape in my opinion (in that order). I have yet to try mixed fruit, but will do soon.
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