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order from Genuine Hookah

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Well, my order from GenuineHookahs.com arrived yesterday. Everything looked fine... ...til i noticed USPS decided to play rugby with my package. The base was broken. I dont blame GH at all, the base was well wrapped and had a huge "fragile" written on it. So I emailed GH late last night and he replied this morning saying he'd send a new base right away. Good service. I only have one complaint about the items themselves and thats the bowl. Doesnt matter I was planning on using phunnel anyways. Other than that, solid tall stem, flashy hose, and I love the huge tray. Here's a picture of everything but the base. Oh and I forgot the case and bowl to.[img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n67/jtemes/IMG_1007.jpg[/img]PS I need to vaccuum my carpet.
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