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3 Kings QL

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Hello. I'm just here, bored and remembered a question I wanted to ask the gang. Recently, I've noticed during mid-life to end of a 3king coal, that the coal can turn ash black and seems to turn off... or perhaps wasn't even lit at all when the coal falls apart (which has happened frequently compared to hardly ever breaking before) and just becomes tedious to mess with. I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this or do 3kings coal go "bad" after awhile... or maybe they are affected when left out in the open, not packaged or properly sealed? Maybe I just don't exactly remember how the coals acted before, who knows.
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Yeah, it's pretty weird... it might have just been a bad batch or perhaps did come in contact w/ moisture. Who knows, they did their job till point of breaking. I've also experienced that: Half of the coal being red and other half looking unlit... although still very hot. heh.This roll of 3kings I'm currently using out of the box doesn't seem to be doing the same as the "troubled" roll.
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