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After exactly an hour on the dash of my truck 45 g of HH lemonade lostexactly (+/- .05g) 7.89g of H20. I will update at the end of hour two. [IMG]smileys/smiley19.gif" align="middle" /> [IMG]smileys/smiley3.gif" align="middle" />
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Sorry. I set an open weighed pan containing 45g. net of HH Lemonade on the dashboard of my truck. Open the windows a crack. Came back an hour later, re-weighed pan. It weighed 7.89g less. Nothing spilled out. This is due entirely to evaporation of the water content. I will see if more has gone into the air after another hour drying out on my dash.This explains why this brand takes so long to start up. You have to cook off the water before the glycerine will make clouds. I expect when I finally put it under the coals there will be no delay in the smoke. Let you all know tomorrow.
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[quote name='azcoyote']After exactly an hour on the dash of my truck 45 g of HH lemonade lostexactly (+/- .05g) 7.89g of H20. I will update at the end of hour two. [IMG]smileys/smiley19.gif" align="middle" />[/quote] Deduct an additional 2.5 (2nd hr's evaporation) + 7.89 = 10.39/45=23-percent water content overall. Update at end of third hour to follow.
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[quote name='Lakemonster']hmm...  Wow.  BTW azcoyote, what part of the AZ are you from? Im surprised in that climate at that amount of time that the shisha looked more like chew than anything else.[/quote] I'm just North of Phoenix in the foothills about 2000 ft elevation. Humidity is low and falling. About 17 percent according to the local weather station. Temp inside truck is around 105 with windows cracked open.Once left a stick of beef jerky for a coupla day in the truck and almost broke a tooth on it. Time to do another weigh in. BRB
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[quote name='azcoyote'] [quote name='azcoyote'] After exactly an hour on the dash of my truck 45 g of HH lemonade lostexactly (+/- .05g) 7.89g of H20. I will update at the end of hour two. [IMG]smileys/smiley19.gif" align="middle" />[/quote] Deduct an additional 2.5 (2nd hr's evaporation) + 7.89 = 10.39/45=23-percent water content overall. Update at end of third hour to follow.[/quote] After addition 1:22 drying under same conditions sample lost another 3.03g.Aggregate water loses over 3hrs 30 min appox time: 13.42g/45= 29% water in sample. Will continue to update until I get two consecutive reading within .2g.
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Ah.......okMy 5 years there were spent in Cottonwood and N. Scottsdale.It would seem to that that particular tobacco is pretty wet...... another makeup ingredient iof shisha is glycerin, which is a humectant (draws moisture to it).I wonder what point, humidity level wise, that glycerin is no longer able to compete with the lack of moisture in its surroundings.Where's that Tangiers guy?
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I think Al Waha has residual moisture in it, too. It used to, anyhow. Thats alot! Test mine! Test mine next! Thats why people say "My tobacco dried out". I guess it really did! Thats also why I was always confused, I never had it around long enough to dry out and Tangiers doesn't dry out, I would guess. I should think mine would be quite low. I see where you're going with that, Lake Monster, but Tangiers smokes immediately when you charcoal it, most (others?) don't. That period reflects the boiling off of the water. The temperature of the bowl can't rise above the temperature of boiling water 100C, to get to the boiling point of glycerine 290C (?...I forget, but its higher!)...so it doesn't smoke. Thjat why Tangiers seems to have so much more tobacco in it...because it does, not water weight. Additional water added would explain these results, a little extra water from the humectant properties of the glycerine wouldn't go above 5% or so, as a guess. If you look at tobacco "Drying out", I've smoked 5year old Tangiers, and it smokes fine. I've never seen it dry out, so empirically, the water content from the glycerine wouldn't explain ALL the extra water. I was also jus thinking "Maybe its the solvent from the flavoring?" Lemon isn't water soluble.
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Dam, Tangiers, you make ur forum runs LATE at night... hehehThat's a crap load of water - I'd be pissed. I wonder if they know how much water there really is in their shisha... good way to save some $$$ if u ask me... would be really hard for the customer to tell unless somebody *gasp!* let it sit in some direct heat for a while and tested for it! ... but they'd never be smart enough to do that... right?
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Al Waha freaks me out. Used to smoke it as a beginner, but the dyes and texture and stickyness just isnt something I want in my lungs. Flavors nothing special either. Nahkla too. And don't even get me started on the SoEx herbal. It looks like woodchips.
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[quote name='Caro']Al Waha freaks me out.  Used to smoke it as a beginner, but the dyes and texture and stickyness just isnt something I want in my lungs.  Flavors nothing special either.  Nahkla too.  And don't even get me started on the SoEx herbal.  It looks like woodchips.[/quote] I think it is woodchips! But i find it's a nice 'mixer' with other tobacco'sand it smokes up well, so it has it's uses!JD
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so have we come to a concensus that hookahhookah tobaccoA. gives you underweight packages of tobaccoB. gives you underweight packages of tobacco (yeah thats worth two bullets because its dishonest and could be considered robbery)C. tobacco's weight is nearly a 3rd unsmokeable water, further souring the dealD. spams the forum with the likes of hookahgirl and who knows who else..cough coughE. Isnt even consistently good in the flavor department.F. and lastly may be spamming this thread as well.now that speaks volumes to their credibility. HookahHookah seems to be running a scam that we've all be falling for.
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[quote name='azcoyote'] [quote name='azcoyote']  [quote name='azcoyote'] After exactly an hour on the dash of my truck 45 g of HH lemonade lostexactly (+/- .05g) 7.89g of H20. I will update at the end of hour two. [IMG]smileys/smiley19.gif" align="middle" />[/quote] Deduct an additional 2.5 (2nd hr's evaporation) + 7.89 = 10.39/45=23-percent water content overall. Update at end of third hour to follow.[/quote] After addition 1:22 drying under same conditions sample lost another 3.03g.Aggregate water loses over 3hrs 30 min appox time: 13.42g/45= 29% water in sample. Will continue to update until I get two consecutive reading within .2g.[/quote] I left the shop yesterday around 4 pm local time. Set the pan on my desk . Arrived 8:30 this mornng and weighed sample. It had lost an addtional 4.77g of water. 13.42 + 4.77 = 18.19g./45 = 40% H2O in sample.....will update in an hour or so.Thanks everyone your interest and encouragement. Tang. I will be pleased to test a sample of your goods. To make the results totally beyond question I really should obtain all samples through normal retail channels. Maybe you can issue a merchandise credit to one of your retail distributors for this and I will pay the shipping. PM me if you'd like to get this going.To anyone out there with an unopened container and a scale, these tests should be replicated to eliminate any question of error or bias on my part. If several of us obtain very similar data we can all be confident in the results.It would be highly desireable for all reviewers perform both a wiegh in and a dry off before packing the test bowl.I'm placing the stuff back on the dashboard at 9:20 local time and will update post at 10:30 or thereabouts.
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