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First Experience

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Hi my name is Majeth.. and.. and.. I get my pipe to go the way I want to... I've had my pipe over 6 mounths now, (although almost exclusivly smoking socially) but I just can't seem to get it right, even after the great help that has been, and still are around here. My smoke is often thin, and barly any flavor. I have tried everything I can think of, and everything I've been told to do, without a good, solid result.  Therefore I would like to adress you, here in 'WeCan'tLightIt Anonymous' and ask you to share your first experience, (what did you do wrong, how to right that wrong etc.) and thus educate us, who are in this eh... whateveryouwannacallit.(And I know there's several Posts out there that are really good, and answers lots of questions, but they don't seem to work for me. Dunno why... )
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First id try acclimate it even though its not always neccasary and youve probably already done it, also change up your hole patterns, maybe alot of small ones or less but larger ones. Again change one thing at a time so you know whats working and whats not. Another thing is clean your hookah good and your hose if it's washable
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Don't have any pics at the moment, will try to get asap though. The pipe is aprox 32'' from top to bottom, I'm using a standart small clay bowl, or the typical large clay bowl. I've used it with Al Whala, Naklah and Starbuzz.All with foil, small holes, big holes, many, few, consentraded in the senter, to the sides, even only one hole in a moment of desperation.When it somes to the pipe, it's a mix, as I bought it from a nice guy at a marketplace in Oslo. ([url="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/32651272/?qo=5&q=by%3Axciii+sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps"]But the vase is kinda like this, if that helps. [/url] We actually got it near that time, but still the flavor was weak)As for coals I'm using easylight Golden Rivers, as that's the only thing I got my hands on here. Tried with 1 - 3. That's all I can think of really...
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OK, thin smoke. Hardly any flavor...not harsh?Sounds like a pressure leak. Are you using the appropriate gasket between the head and the shank (The top of the pipe)? How is the conncection between the shank and the jar at the bottom? Is it tight? How's the hose connection, when its on the hookah, is it tight? Take a draw through the hose when its not on the hookah...does it draw fairly easily? Now plug the stem end with your thumb and suck through the head end, like you were smoking. It should feel tight, not like pressure is leaking out. Prepare a bowl to smoke...don't mash the tobacco down. start charcoal. While those are lighting...suck through the hose port (you should have put water in, already). Suck through the hose port without the hose on...do you get water in your mouth? If you do, pour out some water until there's no water glugging into the hose port. Once you get the water level right, you should feel like the whole hookah draws well, as you are still sucking through the hose port, without a hose on it. Put the hose on, draw again. The whole thing should feel smooth and easy to draw through. Put charcoal on the bowl (You do use foil/screen over the tobacco, don't you?). SMoke...still thin and flavorless?If so, you may not be putting enough tobacco in the bowl. Additionally, do you smoke outside?How is your water? Is it from underground well or is it highly treated municipal water...that is, does it have alot of minerals and metals in it?
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[quote name='lilotaku']I miss Cypress :(.    Does anyone know what ever happened to him?  I remember his video helped a ton of people out back in the days.  Oryon,  do you have a lisp when you talk?  nice video btw.  [IMG]smileys/smiley9.gif" align="middle" />[/quote] dont make him self concious!*Edit* why is that voice in the video so terrifyingthanks for teaching me how to wash my hands too. I forgot.
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