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question for hookah manufacturers

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I am not a manufacturer but from what I have read, copper and stainless seem to be used most commonly for the interior of the stem. I would imagine that anything that doesn't react negatively to heat and that is easy to clean would be OK to use.
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i was shy about using copper because i dont want to affect the flavor (copper has a distinct odor, and i assume, taste). i have a rod of aluminum- would that work? seeing as how the screens i use are aluminum? do you have any idea what the fuck you can do with an aluminum tube? (heh, black bush!)
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Check this auction out; looks like the right kind of tubing--for a smaller hookah. The seller seems to sell all sorts of different types of tube and stock.[url="http://cgi.ebay.com/3-OD-X-1-4-WALL-304-STAINLESS-STEEL-TUBE-10-1-4-C60_W0QQitemZ160030802885QQihZ006QQcategoryZ117512QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/3-OD-X-1-4-WALL-304-ST...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
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Aluminum, brass, steel. [quote name='Caro']When copper heats up it releases poisonous fumes... don't use that, and if you buy a stem made of it... I wouldn't recommend smoking it.[/quote]Why do they use copper for hot water lines, even in high purity applications? I don't think thats true. What is true is that copper and carbonated water don't mix...carbonated water will react and form copper carbonate, which is poisonous. I checked Wiki just to make sure, it lists nothing about copper fumes. I've heard Egyptian hookah guys say similar things, but the truth is, brass is too expensive and they want to make as cheap a hookah as possible. Besides, even if it is true...when does a brass core pipe get that hot? The head, sure. the tray, perhaps. What is your source for this information that copper is poisonous?
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There is no stainless steel used in arab hookah manufacturing that I know of, its coated steel, which does not define it as stainless steel, but protects it somewhat. If they made them with stainless steel, I might switch, too. The coatings tend to be applied poorly and small gaps appear at the bottom of the individual pieces of the shank. Since gravity tends to pull moisture downward, the same places that are weak points for the coating are the same water will collect and begin the rusting process. Brass doesn't rust. Companies that only sell stainless steel hookahs because they are better usually only sell them because they are cheap and they can make alot of money on them. Any reputable dealer will tell you that, although more expensive, brass is more durable and just as safe as Arab coated steel. When they put plumbing into a house, what do they ask? Is price more important than durability? If durability is it and price is no object, copper pipes are the best.
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Darth: Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, so I was interchangably using them since if copper is safe, brass being a lower percentage of copper should be safe, too. HookahPimp: I have seen pipes by that company, (although I didn't know how to spell it and I still don't)and the ones I saw were made of coated steel. They may call it stainless steel, but it is plated steel. I have yet to see a true stainless steel hookah. I have seen stainless steel over a brass core before, but that tends to prove my point. Isn't it true SS304/SS316 is more expensive than brass? Lake Monster? Anybody?
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