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And The Gop War On Women Continues......


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Spoiler alert, this is a rant.


So in Texas,  the GOP just passed one of those handy dandy voter identification laws they've been telling us are perfectly reasonable.  All the while of course claiming that it would NOT make it harder for people to vote, because after all, all they have to do is produce state issued identification.  Except they forgot to mention the fine print..... Your voter registration must EXACTLY match your birth certificate, which you also have to provide.  Now, if you're a woman, and you got married, it no longer matches.  So you also have to take along your married license.  Got divorced?  You have to take those papers with you too.  Remarried?  You have to prove your identity with, (drum roll), a copy of your original birth certificate, your original marriage license, your divorce papers, and your second marriage license, and your current identification so they can trace your name changes all the way back to your birth certificate.  Now........ How many women do you think have that stuff handy to take to the polls to prove who they are for 5-minutes in a voting booth?  How many are going to go to the trouble to stand in line and produce it even if they can lay their hands on all of it?  How many women are going to be voting with all that they have to prove?


Yeah.........  You know, I'm not a Democrat and I don't generally vote Democratic even in the big elections unless there's a diving reason to do so.  (Like Romney obviously hating half the country - you know the half that aren't well off), but seriously????  The Democrats have been warning that voter registration laws are one hell of a slippery slope and now Texas with the GOP's enthusiastic help proves the point.  You know, women who support and vote the GOP are dumb.  Just plain dumb.



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*war on everything


Let's not forget the abortion bill with Wendy Davis and how there were EVIDENCE that the GOP changed the time from 11:58 to 12m to try and say that the filibuster failed (but in that case it would've passed???) or were the times viceversa? Either way, if you heard about that whole situation you know what I mean.


All I remember is there was a HUGE riot and apparently tampons and pads were confiscated or something???

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If you were married then got divorced, more than likely you reverted back to your maiden name which would match your birth certificate. So why would you need divorce paperwork and all that? Same concept for divorced and remarried women, wouldn't you just need to most recent marriage certificate in that case? Sent from my iPhone using [URL=http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1]Tapatalk[/URL]
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If you were married then got divorced, more than likely you reverted back to your maiden name which would match your birth certificate. So why would you need divorce paperwork and all that?

Same concept for divorced and remarried women, wouldn't you just need to most recent marriage certificate in that case?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Women who have children don't revert back to their birth name.  Secondly, a lot of women simply don't because they like the "new" name better.  Nope, you have to prove the trace back to your birth certificate.  The bottom line is that it makes it harder for women to vote.  What part of that is "workable"?  What part of that is "okay" on any level whatsoever?????



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Not related to the dispute but am I the only one that think if a couple divorces and the woman keeps the mans last name, that it is weird as shit? You'd think you would want to break all ties. Sent from my iPhone using [URL=http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1]Tapatalk[/URL]
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Not related to the dispute but am I the only one that think if a couple divorces and the woman keeps the mans last name, that it is weird as shit? You'd think you would want to break all ties.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



I think it probably depends on a lot of factors.  1)  Do you have children and want to keep the same last name they have?  2)  How long did you have the married name?  3)  How bad your birth name is?  It's not that easy to change all your documentation over.  New drivers license, social security card, new charge cards, etc.  Not to mention work references, etc.  For I would guess 90% of the time, most women just don't want to go to the trouble.


Back on topic, let me explain just how bad this Texas law gets.  The girl who does my nails was born in Viet Nam.  She's an American citizen who is better educated and speaks better English than a bunch of people who were born here.  Anyway, she did everything the legal way.  She waited in line every single time her green card came up for renewal.  For hours, getting up at 3:00 a.m. to get downtown early.  And she became a citizen at first opportunity.  She is totally committed to being a part of America.  Her children were born here, she's active in the community, she owns a business and a home with her husband.  So how hard  would it be for her to vote in Texas?  


She'd have to provide the following documents:  1)  Her original Vietnamese birth certificate, which the voting officials can't read by the way.  2)  She immigrated to France with her French father to go to school, so she'll need her French documentation too.  She met her American husband there, and they were married in France. So 3) she needs her French marriage license.  4)  Her immigration papers for her entry into the US with her American born husband.  5)  Her original green card.  6)  Her citizenship papers.  7)  Her current driver's license.  So we're up to seven documents to allow one woman to vote.  Half of which are in languages the voter registration people can't read.  And all of which are kept in a bank vault for security purposes.  So how likely is she to vote in Texas if she lived there?  Not very bloody likely. 


You see, the voter identity laws seems not that big a deal on the surface.  Everybody has a driver's license right?  Yep, including illegal aliens who buy theirs for about $100 a package in the local parks in most major cities across America.  And they come with Social Security cards as part of the deal!  How else do you think they're working under the table, duh?  Could you, right now, right this minute prove you're an American citizen?  Nobody could.  Your drivers license isn't enough, neither is a passport unless it's verified which can take days as quite a few people could tell you having been held over thanks to the Patriot Act in recent years.  . What's more, on every single voter registration log book next to your name is your party affiliation.  D for Democrat, etc.  So what's to prevent your local people from demanding you prove your identity before allowing you to vote if they want the election to go the other way?  Since you can't prove you're a citizen without the verification being done?   The opportunity for abuses are HUGE.  And they HAVE been used in the past to keep minorities from voting.  So while it may seem like no big deal on the surface since you carry around a drivers license anyway, it's one of the absolute worst ideas by the GOP EVER.



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