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The highest quality shisha???

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I've been reading alot on the forum and it seems that fumari is the best of the best then tangiers and starbuzz after that it seems that the quality is pretty much even.What makes a high quality vs. low quality? I know that hookahhookahs watered down shisha makes it low quality but what makes fumari top notch?Is there anything that is added to make a shisha more expensive to make or are the companies just price gouging?
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What makes a brand high quality depends on your OWN tastes, not what others think. Don't buy a tobacco just because other people like it. Buy it because it tastes good to you.What I recomend you do is buy sampler packs of all the different brands you hear about. Since you read alot about fumari, tangiers, starbuzz, look around for smaller amounts of these and try out as many flavors as you can. This way you will get a better idea on what you actually like.Hell, one of my favorite flavors is from Naklah (chocomint), which some people love and others hate. So definitely read up on what others are saying are good, but don't automatically assume you will enjoy it too. People have all different types of tastes.
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in tobacco qualitity ie nothing to do with flavor, id say tangiers or romman or starbuzz or fumari. Tangiers uses leaves then cooks them in a molassas/glycerine/flvor mixture. Nothing added. Romman i believe uses ribbon cut tobacco which packs nicely. They use honey i believe, but im not sure. Starbuzz was good but i cant remember the cut. And fumari has a great cut its almost a cube cut packs awesome but like others have said...hit or miss on flavor.
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Such a leading question...Might as well ask how long is a piece of string. It's so down to indivual taste and preference.But, my own personal is : Nahkla & hookahshop.co.uk's own 'special mix' which is nakhla export based.JD
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the "super-premium" flavors (based purely on price) are Starbuzz, Romman, and Fumari they all average at around 20 dollars for 250 grams, in my opinion romman isnt worth buying, fumari WAS worth buying at the old price they make very good shishas, its still good stuff, albeit more expensive. In my opinion the next level of quality is the "premium level" (again, based on price) all of my favorite shishas are contained in the category, they all average 10 dollars for 250 grams, and as far as im concerned they all kick ass. Al Amir, Al Fakher, Tangiers, Layalina. nakhla and al waha make up the "affordable" range. very affordable shishas, some flavors are good, some suck, just gotta try em. and all the rest of em are pretty much on their own terms. As far as pharoahs, king moassel, sultan, and HH they are mediocre shishas at a premium price. IE, they are priced like the likes of Tanigers, AA, and AF, but they are nowhere near as consistant as far as flavors go. some flavors are good, some suck terribly, luck of the draw.
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I like different brands for different reasons. I can't smoke more than one bowl of Tangiers a night, for instance, but I like to smoke more. Layalina and Havana seem to be the best bang for the buck in my opinion. I own some of the more expensive shisha too, but I still haven't justified in my mind what makes them work $20 for 250g. Al Fakher is also good, and the price on it isn't too bad.
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From what I have expierienced, Al Fakher, Al Amir, Romman, and Layalina.Don't laugh at the Layalina, the Esk. Apple is wonderful, as was the grape! I'd definitly buy more of that.
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[quote name='Soup']From what I have expierienced, Al Fakher, Al Amir, Romman, and Layalina.  Don't laugh at the Layalina, the Esk. Apple is wonderful, as was the grape!  I'd definitly buy more of that.[/quote] YES!!! The Layalina 3apple is wonderful!! I can't stand 2apple but that stuff is AWESOME!Starbuzz, Al Fahker, Layalina are my top three..I will admit that some of the Starbuzz is hit or miss but no matter what the flavor it will smoke amazing. No luck with Tangiers but I will have to try a differnt flavor pretty soon I have only heard good things about this tobacco. Layalina guava is one of my Favs also. Very unique.
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To those of you having trouble to get the flavor to come out right with Tangiers, check out my photo essay, how to pack Tangiers:[url="http://www.hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=4890&KW=Standard+Tangiers&PID=57035#57035"]How to Pack Tangiers[/url]
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I don't know that a brand is the best. Each brand brings pretty amazing flavors to the table. A small sample as follows from a variety of brands:Al Fakher: Cola - Being someone who can down a 12 pack in one sitting of Dungeons and Dragons, I know my cola. I think if I was to give it a specific TYPE of cola flavor, I would say it tastes like Jolt. You know how generic Colas and Coca Cola in other countries have a stronger hint of cinnamon? That is what this has, an undertone of cinnamon flavor. I don't think it is intention nor do I think that cinnamon has actually been added, but this is what it reminds me of. Havana : Peach and Tropic Peach : Both flavors are amazing. Both give me the biggest tobacco buzz ever experienced from a hookah. Havana Regular Peach has a strong flavor and at first few puffs, taste like Trolli Peach-Os. Tropic Peach accomplishes this task the entire time while smoking. Mmm!Al Amir: Caramel Apple - A definate change of pace for those who are hardcore Double Apple Anise fans. The Caramel is not over powered, the apple is not grossly masked. Worth picking up.Tangiers: Red Tea - One of the best shishas I have ever purchased. I have to fight my selfish nature to share this with people because it is so good. It is similiar to when people eat something they like, and they don't share it. Ever notice when someone hates something, they want the whole world to try it? I heard someone do a comedy bit about that once. Anyway, Tangiers Red Ted is a surreal experience because you smoke it. You taste it. But there is no wetness associated when drinking tea and it taste spot on with red tea. Starbuzz : Lemon Mint - Some people compare this to pine sol cleaner, and I compare them to hasatan! This is the most pleasant, yet most expensive, shisha I have smoked to do. Any fans of mint should enjoy this. Hope that helps a bit to show that no brand has a corner on the market for awesome. Yet. YARRRRRR!
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[quote name='DrunkenWizard']Ever since I got some Tangiers, that's all I've been smoking.  Awesome stuff.  I just can't seem to get enough![/quote] Me too. I can't seem to get myself to go near anything else for some reason. The stuff smokes so well, and tastes fantastic. When i change bowls I start leaning toward my Havana collection(which I love) but end up grabbing tangiers instead. Just plain good stuff.
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So far I'm finding out what you guys are saying. There is no brand that makes the best flavor for every flavor they offer. Plus it all depends on what your taste preference is as well. I remember reading a post that sticks out to me that said "smoke what you like and like what you smoke" afetr all thats what really maters.
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