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Today was a good day

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So get back after 3 of my classes today and feeling good because my professor is allowing me to turn in a project late that I just completely spaced to turn in. Well I get home and see a package.[img]http://www.townhousehomies.net/pics/hookah.jpg[/img]A late birthday present full of goodies.In the pic there is-Tangiers Blue Funnel BowlBlue 74" Egyptian Cobra Head Hose250 grams of Tangiers Blue Gum Ball250 grams of Tangiers Orange Soda250 grams of Tangiers F-line Root Beer50 grams Al Amir Banana Splitsupposebly there is a new hookah on the way to go with this from my g/f : DOn the sad note my Mya currently takes Male bowls and I have to wait to get the new hookah to use the funnel bowl.
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[quote name='Tangiers']Yeah, those F-Line wrappers...love them!  Um, EL, he won't be disappointed with the tobacco either, especially the Tangiers! I hope.  [IMG]smileys/smiley22.gif" align="middle" />[/quote] lol thats a given though, the bowl is the new item i was reassuirng he wouldnt be disapointed in :P
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Well I smoked the F-line Root beer. Everything about it was extremely good except for the flavor. The smoke was extremely thick and was smooth going down. The buzz was the best buzz I have ever gotten. I could really feel the caffine buzz. It was exremely plesent. I smoked with about 4 other people and all of them agreed about great buzz. Flavor wise it really didnt taste like anything it was bad but wasnt anything great.For the second bowl I smoked the Orange soda, the flavor was FANTASTIC. I really cant give a good review on it though because I had trouble getting it to smoke right. It kept wanting to give this kind of tickle feeling going down. It wasnt hard but just kinda tickled the back of your throat. I will have to fool around more with it.All of this was smoked through an acrylic mya with a screen with 3 king coals.
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actually, mya now has an egyptian top for your stem![url="http://www.myasaray.com/store/item.asp?ITEM_ID=946&DEPARTMENT_ID=36"]http://www.myasaray.com/store/item.asp?ITE...EPARTMENT_ID=36[/url]that being said, im still using the one i got from hookah company but i'll prolly snag one of these since 1 out of my 5 bowls is actually syrian/lebanese/male
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[quote name='DarthHookah']you know, it tickles my throat too. ive come to the conclusion that maybe tang isnt for me. i like Al Amir. of course, tang himself is pretty awesome, i have the playgirl issue with him on the cover. can anyone say "baby's arm"?[/quote] holding an apple......
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you can order tangiers from either hookahkings.com, but that is only 100g packages, or hookahcompany.com which have full 250g packages. Both site you can also get the bowl that we so rave about :DAlso soon MNHookah will have both tangiers tobacco and the funnel bowls soon :D you can preorder now.
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Well the new Hookah came so I got to try out the funnel bowl.....all I have to say is WOW. Tangiers mad props on an excellent bowl. I have only done one session with it but it lasted for an hour and still had some moist shisha to go. I used tangiers blue gumball shisha which was very good, tasted like blueberrys. All in all I was extremely happy with it. Thanks Tangiers for making great products.
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