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Which Actor Do You Hope You Don't Have To See Much Of This New Year?(What Actor Is Over-Rated?)


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As the title says, who are you hoping you don't have to see much of this year?

For me, it's Zach Galifianakis, I really can't stand him. He's like the new Vince Vaughn. He's the same in each role he takes. I tried to get into the Hangover series and just couldn't. Tried watching due date, and wanted to jam a pencil through my temple. 


To me he's just not funny and redundant. 


So who is it for everyone else?

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You should check out the movie out cold.that was really before he was known and his character, along with the rest are great. As long as Nicolas Cage doesn't have any more movies, I'll be fine.
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Christ, I intend an honest discussion thread, and it gets thread jacked with Joytron's spank bank collection of Ryan Gosling...didn't see that coming.

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now I feel al fuzzy and shit... as for actors, I dont really care, I watch quite a bit of movies, shows etc. and they just seem to fit well someplace and suck somewhere else so... I guess I care more about the fit for the role theyre gonna be playing I guess.
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I'm not gay at all and I could never get tired of Ryan Gosling!

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I just watched that "only god forgives" movie of his, and watched "the driver" or w/e it's called a while ago. I found it really odd; the role he played in both movies, but I couldn't help but like the movies. "only god forgives" definitely lacked some character development though that would have made it much better. The whole movie just FELT empty, I never cared for any characters.

Also, Ryan Gosling is teh tits though. I love his movies. (even the notebook, seriously, it was actually a really good movie)

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I could probably die happy if I never had to see or hear Shia Lebouf ever again. Everything about him makes me hate him even more. 

Just saying his name out loud makes me hate him.


He who shall not be named. Let us never speak of him again.

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How could I forget my hatred of Shia ledouche! He single handedly has ruined every film he's been in. And I blame him for the last Indianna jones movie sucking Sent from my iPhone using [URL=http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1]Tapatalk[/URL]
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Last Indiana Jones movie sucked because it never should have even been made. Ledouche or He Who Shall Not Be Named just made it even worse.


EDIT: I still want to see Nymphomaniac, though. Fortunately he's not the main star in that, so it'll be somewhat bearable... For the teets, man. For the teets.

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