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The Human Torch Is Now Black....wtf?


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Id like to open by stating I am not racist, I do not hate black people or any color of people because of their race, or other reason that's ridiculous. However the news that the human torch is going to be black really strikes a chord with me, it was bad Enough that Heimdall in Asgard was back (seriously....black Vikings...?) but now Johnny Storm, The Human Torch who has been a loved character by MILLIONS of people since 1961 is now black just because?

Sue Storm is White...so now johnny and sue aren't brother and sister?

This crap really sucks for hardcore Comic Book Fans like myself...



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That is pretty gay i hate that they are changing so many characters to kiss Obama's ass. Remember Nick Fury? he was originally a white character. I wasn't too upset when they made him black because he wasn't a big character. They even have a black Spiderman comic now! I am not racist, I'm all for equality. Some Marvel characters should be black, like Black panther and that other guy falcon or w/e lol But to change the ethnicity and entire back-story of an original character is beyond fucked up that is what will kill the Marvel Brand. So what's next Marvel Who will be a Mexican? or Asian? there are no Mexican or Asian characters what about them huh? lol 

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Sybian- How is it gay? I don't see anything homosexual about it. Are you equating your usage of the word to mean stupid? If so, I find that offensive to our gay members.


Also, I dislike President Obama just as much as the next guy (because of his policies not because of his race like so many other racist fucks I'm surrounded by here in TN), but how is making the Human Torch's character black kissing Obama's ass?

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I don't think it matters. The door keeper in the Thor movie they made black I thought was awesome. That guy played the character well. Also you guys complaining do realize that back then when comics were first made the US was a different place. Equality wasn't really a thing when it all first started. Now that it is maybe the people would rather have black super heroes. Can you even name one black super hero from that generation of comics? The first releases that is. Probably not.
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Let me add to this, how many women superheroes there were. If you don't see those past comic writers either slightly racist or just "following the crowd" then you need to be a little more open minded and realize people are not perfect.
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As far as the black human torch, I think it is a worthless move into political correctness that will ultimately damage the movie and piss off that fan base. A lot of the FF's backstory deals with Sue and Johnny being brother and sister. Ok, now what, adoption, step children, interracial marriage? None of this to me will improve the source material, and imo will detract from it as it seems like simply doing it for the same reason they made Alan Scott gay, no real legitimate reason to do it, just doing it for the sake of diversity. As these movies (the FF's) have been troubled from the start, it seems rather then just sticking to the source material, Fox is just asking, "Ok, what can we do to make this hip and edgy?"


I don't care about him being black, but what I do care about is changing a white character to black for no real reason. Hell, even Nick Fury was written as a black guy in the Ultimates(which they even asked Samuel Jackson to use his likeness in the creation). So that was fine. But in no form has the human torch been black. I would have happily seen this guy in a Luke Cage movie, a Blade reboot, an already established black character that deserves a movie, instead of just taking a white character and making him black. It kinda feels like how they made the Kingpin black in Daredevil. I loved Michael Clarke Duncan, but the role never felt right as I watched it. Just felt like a bad casting job.

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Let me add to this, how many women superheroes there were. If you don't see those past comic writers either slightly racist or just "following the crowd" then you need to be a little more open minded and realize people are not perfect.


What does the number of women superheroes have to do with the writers being racist? Did you mean sexist?

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I don't think it matters. The door keeper in the Thor movie they made black I thought was awesome. That guy played the character well. Also you guys complaining do realize that back then when comics were first made the US was a different place. Equality wasn't really a thing when it all first started. Now that it is maybe the people would rather have black super heroes. Can you even name one black super hero from that generation of comics? The first releases that is. Probably not.



Let me add to this, how many women superheroes there were. If you don't see those past comic writers either slightly racist or just "following the crowd" then you need to be a little more open minded and realize people are not perfect.


Bingo. Times are a changin'... +1 rep, good sir.


Plus, not like it isn't the first time they've changed characters' back stories before. Happens all the time in Hollywood.


My question is, is a reboot of The Fantastic Four really that necessary??


As for Johnny Storm and Sue Storm's relationship, maybe they'll make them foster siblings? Who knows.


By the way, I like the actor who is playing Johnny Storm/Human Torch. Actually, I like all of them in the movies I've seen them in before.

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But I would also like to add, I think the choices for Ben Grimm and Reed Richards sucks as well. And not crazy about Kate Mara as Sue Storm. So over all, it feels like they put names in a hat and just yanked them out at Random. I am a huge comic book fan, and will happily admit when I'm wrong. I said Man of Steel would tank, but was pleasantly surprised about it being a good movie. But I have no plans to see this movie. I will wait for it to come to redbox. 

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I'm just saying maybe they can stray from their all white male casting of old and look into creating new stories. Hell, most hardcore comic fans are disgusted by the movies anyway so just let us enjoy the movies and you can enjoy the comics of old. I'm completely fine with them changing things up and also embrace it. It's just a movie. The last few fantastic four movies (from what I remember seeing) were awful. Maybe this one will be better.
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What you fail to realize is that you are not the demographic. Superhero comics cater to younger crowds, always have and always will. Those younger crowds don't care who Johnny Handjob used to be, they are not invested in that story. The entire premise of the New 52, for example, was to cater to their demographic by giving them an "easy in" to discover these characters and not feel lost. All these die hards gripe and cry and complain about how all their favourite titles are being ruined with these rewritten histories...yet they fail to realize that New 52 has completely revitalized all these stagnant titles by giving the writers and artists a chance to do whatever they want with existing characters. People complained in the early 80's when this was happening too...until Alan Moore wrote Swamp Thing, that is. Piss and moan, go for it. It's not going to change the fact that they don't care about you, the existing reader. They want the new generation to get interested. They know you'll buy whatever the fuck they pump out anyways, so why not go for a new generation?

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New crowd or no, I like things traditional. If the character is white? leave him white. Can you imagine if they made Tchalla (the black panther) a white dude? or Powerman Luke Cage? The Black community would lose their freakin' minds! there's no WAY that would fly, Not targeting blacks either, he could have been Asian or Hispanic and I would have been just as upset. I don't NEED to "Open my mind" to a thing, I'm a huge comic book fan and I like things they way they are, why not create a couple NEW black characters? im all for more "Ethnic" Superheroes man but theres no reason to change the ones people love, even if your trying to "relate" to a newer generation IMHO


And as far as Making Fury white there's Colonel Fury and there's General Fury. If you search into General Fury....its a SPITTING IMAGE of Samuel Jackson!!!

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I'm just saying maybe they can stray from their all white male casting of old and look into creating new stories. Hell, most hardcore comic fans are disgusted by the movies anyway so just let us enjoy the movies and you can enjoy the comics of old. I'm completely fine with them changing things up and also embrace it. It's just a movie. The last few fantastic four movies (from what I remember seeing) were awful. Maybe this one will be better.

I completely agree, but with NEW stories, not changing the old ones, its the "Gritty reboot" thing that has me less and less interested in modern movies. No New material is coming out, just remaking old shit but with a modern twist. Like I said lets make MORE black superheroes instead of switching the old one around.

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The original cast was much better and I feel fit the characters better. But hey, I won't pass judgement until the movie is actually out. I don't see Cannon as ANY super hero...they could have definitely picked a better Human Torch.

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What you fail to realize is that you are not the demographic. Superhero comics cater to younger crowds, always have and always will. Those younger crowds don't care who Johnny Handjob used to be, they are not invested in that story. The entire premise of the New 52, for example, was to cater to their demographic by giving them an "easy in" to discover these characters and not feel lost. All these die hards gripe and cry and complain about how all their favourite titles are being ruined with these rewritten histories...yet they fail to realize that New 52 has completely revitalized all these stagnant titles by giving the writers and artists a chance to do whatever they want with existing characters. People complained in the early 80's when this was happening too...until Alan Moore wrote Swamp Thing, that is. Piss and moan, go for it. It's not going to change the fact that they don't care about you, the existing reader. They want the new generation to get interested. They know you'll buy whatever the fuck they pump out anyways, so why not go for a new generation?



Yeah, the comics pull this stunt all the time. Superman was slipping, so they killed him and introduced 4 Supermen. Green Lantern was slipping, they made Hal Jordan go mad, and replaced him with Kyle Rayner, Batman needed to be shaken up, had Bane Break his back and have Azrael replace him.  Aquaman went grunge, lost his hand and had it replaced with a hook. They had the flash die and had a younger guy replace him,

All of these things happened, and all of them were reversed. Most recently twice in Green Lantern, we've had a gay green lantern, and a Muslim green lantern. Both were received poorly by the readers. Alan Scotts homosexuality has been very minimally mentioned. And Simon Baz has been relegated to a 3rd string title(Justice Society I believe).


Marvel Now really didn't do anything earth shattering as far as altering anyone's origins. I wouldn't mind if they did. Just don't try to take something and pass it off as the original when it's clearly not.

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And as far as Making Fury white there's Colonel Fury and there's General Fury. If you search into General Fury....its a SPITTING IMAGE of Samuel Jackson!!!


As  I said, when they were "designing" General Fury, Marvel specifically asked Samuel Jackson for permission to use his likeness.

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They shake up a lot of shit in Comics, and honestly if its NOT Johnny Storm and they replaced the character all together? NO BIG DEAL imho, like Venom in the comics has "Changed Hands" on more than one occasion and is played by multiple characters. Ghost Rider is too, a lot of different people. I just would like Johnny Storm to Stay the way he has always been. to be fair Im also just glad its not a more dynamic character like Tony Stark or Bruce Banner, so I guess it could be worse. I freaked out more than most people? Hell to the yes, But ive always been a socially awkward individual and Comics (Marvel Comics) has always been there as a constant way to escape, their own personal problems help me relate and forget about my crap for a while.

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The only thing that bothers me is how they're going to acknowledge the relationship between him and his sister. Either make them both black or ruin canon further and say he's adopted, but at long as they acknowledge it I'll be happy. I'm a DC fan anyway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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