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Tangiers Burley: BRAMBLEBERRY
KM Single pear
Bowl: tangiers small phunnel
Coals: leonara
Base Liquid: Water+ice

Appearance: black, juicy
Smell: Sweet, juicy berries
Taste: Sweet Tangy dark berry
Smoke:thick white could
Buzz: little to no buz
Duration: 2hours


OVERALL: 10/10, I got this flavor by being in the sample group. I love this flavor, Since this one was burley i think it cut the sweetness a little tiny bit (maybe more earthy hints). Its a strong sweet dark berry flavor through the entire session. If you like blackberry shnozzberry or any sweet berry mu'assals then you must have this. I Order this flavor (in noir) all the time. Burley seems to take heat pretty good which is even better.

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