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Wtt: 4Gb Sd Card For Microsd Card


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Hey guys, I needed an SD card for my GPS so I could update the maps on it, and I was an idiot and didn't double-check to see what kind I needed. So I purchased a new Sandisk class 4 4GB SD card, when really I needed a MicroSD card. If someone has one they'd like to trade with me, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'd return it but I threw away the packaging. :( Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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i wish  still had my 4gb microsd card (laundry disaster long story... the smallest microsd card i have is 16gb anyways 4gb microsd cards are cheap they can be under $10 on amazon p0rbably like 5.99 check amazon / ebay 4gb micro sd cards are dirt cheap. 

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