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Question to article based on cigg and marijuana

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hahah... talk of radioactive materials in tobacco..... and bitching about it?From my understanding, we should be bitching at nations around the globe for all the past above ground nuclear testing... or the excersizes to come. My understanding is that all of us now "glow" significantly more due to it. But, that may have been a propaganda story there too.
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Chemical Engineering, chemistry, mathematics, accounting, economics. I also did extended study in Nuclear and radiochemistry as well as organic chemical synthesis. Unfortunately, learning too much has made my penis shrivel to the size of an almond. Don't do it! Keep your penis, drop out of school!<POP>That was my hat flying off. <Crunch>That was me biting the head off of another angel. You've seen Star Wars with Jaba and his frog tank? I have one of those, filled with angels. I breathe radon! Gives ya that healthy glow.
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[quote name='[LB']] marijuana should be legalized then state regulated and researched. Then and only then will there be a clear answer, not to mention every marijuana plant these days is different because its so disorganized. I know this cause every time I see weed, it always smells different or feels stronger or weaker. To be honest i bet marijuana is worse for your health becuase of the brain damage it causes, but tobacco is somethign that is smoked on a regular, sometimes daily basis, and smoked in much greater quantities than marijuana.  EDIT: thanks tang for taking the time to write up all that stuff, its very informative[/quote] I definetely think it should be legalized, but the reason some smells and feels different is because of different strains and genetics. Most marijuana found in major parts of the US is indica, which affects the body more so than sativa plants which affect the mind more. If it was legalized it would be a lot more controlled, however no weed will be any worse for You than any other. With that said I think tobacco is a lot more harmful than marijuana due to being more addictive and people smoking a pack of ciggarettes or more per day is fairly common. Most people wouldnt smoke marijuana that much daily. Regardless of what or how You smoke it is harmful, so knowing the consequences and taking resonsibility for it should be the first thing to take into consideration before ever taking Your first puff.
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just throwing this out there, i came across it a while back:[url="http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6912"]http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6912[/url]Short version: no positive association between marijuana use and cancer, meaning smoking marijuana doesn't appear to increase your risk of getting cancer.On another note...I've kind of understood hookah smoking as a kind of vaporization. Is it actually anywhere close to vaporization (in terms of temp and the like)? Are there still inherent carcinogenic properties in tobacco that would be there even with a true vaporization?
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Now that is a good article. Norml hardly qualifies as an unbiased source, but it has studies and summaries of data. The CNN article has a "pointing and Drawing Circles" approach...no statistics, no study, no summary of study. Similar to the Surgeon General's Study most recently regarding second hand smoke. Lots of pointing and drawing circles, but no evidence.Personally, this an opinion, not backed up by any study, and I'm not a medical expert in any way. I think that there is something different about cigarettes that makes them more hazardous than plain tobacco. I don't think its intentional on their part, I think the tobacco companies knew/know, but didn't do anything to save all those people. Coumarin may be it, removing it may make a world of difference in the cancer rates...maybe not. I think that somehow the construction of the cigarette makes them more dangerous. Cigars, that are processed similarly to cigarettes show the same tendencies. Many cigars are natural, just rolled tobacco, which changes everything, which would explain the lower rate of cancer even though a large cigar has as much tobacco as 10 packs of cigarettes. George Burns lived to be over 100, smoked a good sized cigar everyday. My father smoked a pipe for over 60 years...neither one of them died of anything other than natural causes. Again, this is all speculation and opinion. Don't think there's a way to cheat death. It is indeed a vaporization, of glycerine. Glycerine vaporizes at 290.0C as does the balanace of most of the stuff in there (usually a tad lower, but OK). Don't quote me on this either, but most of the nasty chemicals that come from cigarettes come from burning the tobacco. Nobody knows really well, of course.
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I hate it when people say pot isn't addictive and use that as an excuse to do it. A lot of people use pot for an escape. Which is weak minded and dumb. Soon, you become dependant on weed as a way to deal with your problems, especially in teenagers. I've seen a lot of people stop smoking pot, yeah, but I've seen just as many people start again because they cant deal with their problems.
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[quote name='moosepotatoes']I hate it when people say pot isn't addictive and use that as an excuse to do it. A lot of people use pot for an escape. Which is weak minded and dumb. Soon, you become dependant on weed as a way to deal with your problems, especially in teenagers. I've seen a lot of people stop smoking pot, yeah, but I've seen just as many people start again because they cant deal with their problems.[/quote] "may he who is without sin cast the first stone."mark your calendars because i rarely quote the bible (being an avid atheist), but this line really fits. i guaruntee you do something to "escape from your problems", maybe reading a book, watching TV, or perhaps <gasp> smoking shisha? everyone deal in different ways. some like how MJ makes them feel, others like how gardening makes them feel. MJ is friggin harmless, alcohol is worse, if some guy wants to smoke Mj in his house because he had a bad day (much like how a guy comes home from a stressful day and drinks a beer) thats fine with me. so tell me, what do you do to escape from your problems? to ease the pain of everyday life?
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You just compared two things, (hookah and weed), both of which have chemical components that help you want to get addicted, with reading and gardening. I can also gaurentee that everybody has their escapes, but thats not what moosey there is saying. He's saying that people use your "MJ is harmless" excuse to go ahead and do it in excess, every day, because such logic has made it a ready and acceptable excuse for the pothead. And no. Gardening is NOT the same as smoking, or drinking. Gardening lets you take your stress out on a constructive task. MJ simply takes you from REALITY. I have smoked pot, quite a few times, and I very well may do it again, AND I'm not saying that it wasn't because I had a horrible week. I just think you need to be more realistic in rationalizing your habits, rather than saying "You read, and I smoke weed, whats the diff"?
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[quote name='Tangiers']Now that is a good article...Glycerine vaporizes at 290.0C as does the balanace of most of the stuff in there (usually a tad lower, but OK). Don't quote me on this either, but most of the nasty chemicals that come from cigarettes come from burning the tobacco.  Nobody knows really well, of course.[/quote] How hot does the coal/bowl/shisha get?
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Coal about 350C, but when it comes close to the tobacco, it cools off since the boiling glycerine moderates the temperature. The bowl's temperature on the lower side probably gets up to 100C or so. Varies on the bowl and such. Whats the number one thing people give up drugs for? God. Whats the number one thing people give up god for? Drugs. Seems to me, there are all varieties of mental dependency. Everybody has an opinion which dependencies are better than which, but saying one is unequivocally worse seems to be a matter of personal viewpoint.
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