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Anyone purchased anything from this retailer?Anyone want to purchase a hookah with me from this retailer? I found one I am in love with, but shipping is through the roof because it comes from Lebanon with love. So, subquestion, if anyone wants to order one of these with me, let me know and I'll go in with you on this wondiferious occasion. MWahha~![url="http://www.hookahook.com"]hookahook[/url]
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My first hookah was from them (present from my wife who stopped at the first site she saw..), The Raven. 4 hose with autoseal...Ya, it comes dhl from Beruit, but they are nice hookahs and mine, at 24" that beaks down, fits perfectly in a MYA hardcase.
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Why yes, it is indeed the one I drilled the autoseal out of... Just means I don't like the restrided air flow from the autoseal..the hookah itself is beautiful and works great now that you can actually draw smoke. The nice thing is mine came with a "master" port, with no autoseal.
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Mush, thanks for the input. I am just nervous about dropping that kind of cash on a hookah I have never seen before. I like them, some (most) are extremely unique, but it just places me just that far back from obtaining a goal to open a web store. MWAHHA! By the way, how did the SCA competition go? Take any pictures?
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Which one were you looking at?The event went great, alas the batteries in the camera were less than functional. I managed to give about as good as I got, though i was barely able to move at the end. I'll see if anyoen else took any decent shots of me and my spear.
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