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Anyone dehydrate hookahhookah shisha??

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Has anyone dehydrated any Hookahhookah shisha and smoked it? How was it? better dehydrated than hydrated? Is the flavor more concentrated?I know they put a bunghole load of water in their shisha so I want to know if it is worth dehydrating since I have quite a bit of it.
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What happened to "Use the Search Engine", Mushy?Is that the AZCoyote one? Yep. Theoretically, the flavor would be more concentrated...perhaps too concentrated, but AZ didn't notice it, he said it smoked fine. You posted on that thread, CC man, whats the story?
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Well he obviously knew that they did some tests from his post, but I think what he is asking if after the Dyhydration, if anyone smoked it. He has a lot of HH and wants to know if it's worth drying out before smoking.
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