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Tired Of Looking At My Set Up.

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my current set up










This was a few months back. The black is starting to fade on the stem and it's starting to green on some of the welds. Its just not fun to look at anymore. I am thinking about just replacing the double wheat with just a solid gold double but then i thought why not ask the forum what they would do. I do not want to replace the vase, idk why but i love that vase though it may not be some fancy brand name. 

So what stem or stem/hose/tray combo would you put on that base to make it look pretty again. 

Try to provide pics or links to the product if you can. and lets keep the price tag below 200 boys if you can.


PS if your gonna mention the starbuzz stem, don't.

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What I would do: spend the money on a Dremel, a dozen or so felt polishing wheels for it and some MAAS metal polish paste.

Honestly, once it's shiny and bright and new looking, you won't be so bored of it. And being that it's oxidized, you can basically get a brand new pipe by just polishing off the oxidization. Or changing up WHERE it's oxidized. 

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Buy my Tokel stem!

And buy my Kasbah Mini Phunnel bowl to go with it! :P

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Yes, you should do this.

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