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ConGrats GUM!

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[quote name='djbomberto']congrats on winning! lucky bastard[/quote]

Thanks man! Remember, if you ever come up north of the border, you are welcome to come over and help me smoke the stash!

Yash: Nunu had us go to hookahwiki and lookup the page on packing a Tangiers bowl and then email him with the last word of the first sentence. I was about the tenth person to email in, but i had the right answer. It was tricky cause the first paragraph is somewhat hidden.
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wow 20 mins ago you fellers musta been on for quite some time then! anyways congrats GUM i sooo wanted a kilo of cooling strawberry after tang unvieling the difference that one and regular strawberry. i am gay for all strawberry shisha (except romman's yuck!)
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[quote name='SanguineSolitude']a kilogram... thats like a retarded pound right?
lol yeah. I think ill need some of you to come up north and help me smoke it. Certainly something that will take me forever to do on my own. :lol:
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[quote name='EvansLight']so what flavours of tangiers you gonna pick gum?[/quote]

This question has been causing me grief since the call last night. But trust me, its a problem i'd rather have than not. :wink: ill get back to you that, but i am so far thinking: kashmir peach, cooling strawberry, passionfruit and red tea.
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Dangit, I missed the conference call. I forgot all about it after going through the hell of having a kidney stone Monday and still being out of work Tuesday :cry:

Here's a Tangiers mix to try - about 50-60% Red Tea, with the rest of the bowl consisting of Vanilla and Blueberry in about equal quantities.
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